Discourse On Quality |
Opinions and Impressions or Innovative Thoughts |
Quality as Measurement Posted on: 2012-08-10
Quality as Standards Posted on: 2012-07-06
Quality as Craftmanship Posted on: 2012-05-31
Colaborative Advantage through Quality Posted on: 2009-07-31
Creating Value through Quality Posted on: 2009-05-05
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Quality as Measurement |
Quality when observed with holistic perspective has multidimensional definitions. Stakeholders are working with different objectives, and they carry different perspectives and they define quality differently. I am trying to define it with alll your support. May I ask you this time - How do you perceive QUALITY as MEASUREMENT? |
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Quality as Standards |
Quality when observed with holistic perspective has multidimensional definitions. Stakeholders are working with different objectives, and they carry different perspectives and they define quality differently. I am trying to define it with alll your support. May I ask you this time - How do you perceive QUALITY as STANDARDS?
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Posted by: Yang Chor Leong,
2012-07-07 |
Dear Prof.Dinesh,
Warm Greetings from Malaysia.
Congratulations !!!! &; thank you for sharing your webs as I find it so informative and your dimension on Quality.
I am sure your articles will able to benefit those practitioners and community who treasured Quality as part of their life.
I happen to meet a collegue from Japan who is now promoting a program, which you may have read.
" Materials Flow Cost Accounting/Analysis"- MFCA.
Such program was successfully implemented and proven in Japan over ten years now, but it's the first time been promoted outside Japan. It is already been recognised as part of ISO in Environment
It is just a simple tool where they look at "Waste' as contributors to profit by having clear "Analysis" in different areas of the " Cause for Creating such Waste"
By reducing "Waste" it will contribute profitability to the organisations and save cost for treating and the disposal of waste.
I believe, such philosophy is also part of "Quality" where conserve energy creates better place to live.
I would certainly want to share with you on this subject by forwarding some of his slides on MFCA to you.
Hope that my humble view can be of value to your findings
Thanking you and wishing you good health and ever happiness.
Posted by: Dr. Milflora Gatchelian,
2012-07-07 |
Dear Dinesh... Kudos in your quest for a global understanding of the word quality! I am sure the differences in perceptions and concepts could be greatly affected by the person's background and current involvements... do you agree? |
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Quality as Craftmanship |
Quality when observed with holistic perspective has multidimensional definitions. Stakeholders are working with different objectives, and they carry different perspectives and they define quality differently. I am trying to define it with alll your support.
May I ask you this time -
How do you perceive QUALITY as CRAFTMANSHIP? |
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Posted by: Ramesh,
2012-06-01 |
Look at Tajmahal and you will understand what quality means craftmanship |
Posted by: Abdul Wahid Mir,
2012-06-03 |
Total Quality input by all stake holders for a common vision and mission |
Posted by: Zenaida T. Velso,
2012-06-03 |
Briefly, I would like to define Craftmanship as a series of activities that results in the making of a thing of value, e.g. a thing for use in daily life, and which can include household items, decorative items, items used in medical and dental fields, etc. even cars and similar products, anything that is crafted. To my mind, the main aspects here follow Dr. Joseph Juran's principles broken down into :
Quality of Design (how design is arrived at (quality of concept and market research)
Quality of Conformance (how article conforms to design and includes quality of workforce, equipment used)
Abilities (Maintainability, Reliability, etc.) to show whether the article is maintainable, performs its function as in cars)
Field Service (includes the service provided by the "maker", and how these meet the expectations of customer.)
If any of these four principles are "weak", then the quality of craftmanship is deemed lower than satisfactory.
I've read expanded versions of these, but basically, these are as Dr. Juran propounded in his book "Handbook of Total Quality Management, which has run to 5 editions already.
I hope you will find these comments acceptable.
Zenaida T. Veloso |
Posted by: David Hutchens,
2012-06-03 |
Dear Dinesh,
Satisfying the collective needs of multiple stakeholders can truly be a nightmare and there is no easy answer. Each situation must be considered a special case. It might be easy if the goals of the respective stakeholders are more or less in alignment but sometimes they are in direct conflict.
To give yo an example, hese in the UK we have a semi Government organisation called the environment Agency. It its primarly resonsibility is to protect the population from Coastal erosion, inland flooding, prevential of industrial contamination of river water etc. Being semi Government, it has many stakeholders - The Society for the Protection of Birds and other wild life interests, Property developers, Local Authorities representing the local communities, the Govemnent itself interested in costs, Airlines, Highway authorities, etc. Whenever there is a proposal to drain marsh land, there will be loud protests from the wildlife groups but considerable support form the property and land developers. These conflicts are often irreconcilable and there are therefore winners and losers. I have lived with this problem for many years and I do not think there are any answers that neatly fit a short convenient statement that makes the problem go away. In another case I know a hospital which has a main management Board representing 23 seperate interests. Again many of these have conflicting goals. It can only be resolved by negotiation and trade offs as far as I can see.
Craftsmanship is one dimension of Quality but it is not the only one. If we use the concept of the big 'Q' and the small 'q', with the big 'Q' meaning the reputation of the organisation as a whole in the community, it will be affected of course by the reputation of its products but there will be other factors as well not the least of which are market comparisions with competitors in terms of delivery times, payment of invoices, care shown to suppliers, profits as perceived by the shareholders etc. The small 'q' refers to the quality of the products themselves and here, Craftsmanship will be the dominant factor. A craftsman by definition is responsible for the quality of his or her own work. In the context of an organisation therfore the definition of quality is a difficult one and it has been the subject of debate all through my working life and is likely to continue. There are multiple definitions, some of which I like and others not. For example, I was always diametrically opposed to Crosby's definitions when he was alive. Juran's is acceptable with 'fitness for use'. The word 'use' of course has many meanings determined by the context.
In the case of a picture such as say the Mona Lisa, 'use' might be the impact on the reputation of the museum in which it is situated. In the case if a car it might be appearance, reliability, performance etc.
Craftsmanship for me is the ability of the craftsman to be trusted to do a job without supervision to the best of his ability and where he has full control of the PDCA Cycle as applied to his work.
These are just a few thoughts, I hope it helps,
David |
Posted by: Ramesh M Singh,
2012-06-06 |
Your quest to define quality reminds me of the story of a priest who devoted all his energies trying to understand everything about god. One day while walking along the sea shore deeply contemplating (guess about what? about god, of course!) he encountered a child with a small bucket in hand running towards the water, fill the bucket with sea water, run to a spot in the sandy beach, pour the water in a hole, run back to the water, fill the bucket with water, come back to pour the bucket ... ... and repeat this again and again. The priest watched this for sometime in great amusement and finally intervened the kid asking what he was trying to do pouring buckets of water in the sand. The kid answered that he was trying to empty the sea by pouring all the water in the hole in the sand. The priest laughed at the innocent answer of the child and told him that it was a futile exercise. You cannot empty the sea with a small bucket. It is impossible. To this the child said, "Isn't that what you are trying to do too? Trying to understand everything about god through that little head of yours! ... Be good, do good and spread goodness. ... There's god for you! You'll find god in what you do, god is within you...you are god."
I am not trying to discourage you with this story. There's also a saying, "Seek and thou shall find it." Quality is like that god ... it is omnipotent and too vast to be put into a framework. You have said it ... it is multidimensional. Quality is what and how you behold the value it provides you. Regarding craftsmanship as a way to perceive quality, we can try to view it from the acceptable framework of customer satisfaction, conformance to specifications, fitness for use etc. When we say craft, I see lot of dedication and passion, and the love and creative expression of the craftsman who derives more pleasure and satisfaction out of his work rather than thinking about creating customer satisfaction. As customers, if we can we empathize with the craftsman and perceive value and satisfaction at the craftsmanship, then I think that is quality. If we take the examples of craftsmanship of our traditional Nepalese wooden carved windows or the bronze idols depicting different gods in the temples, we can see the innate quality of craftsmen, the transcendent nature of the craftsmanship. So, you are right, one dimension of quality is related to craftsmanship. It may be difficult to pin a price tag but if the customer or the beholder perceives some value in the craftsmanship, then it is quality. |
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Colaborative Advantage through Quality |
Japan promoted TQM advocating COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE through QUALITY in the past, then USA and Europeon countries advocated COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE through QUALITY, now many will be talking about COLLABORATIVE ADVANTAGE through QUALITY. |
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Posted by: binaya vaidya,
2009-08-01 |
the new dimension of thought that u have given about the quality and it resulting into different strategic advantage. the two was known comparative & competitive. but colaborative advantage was a new one..so today the world is so competative that one need to have alliance & colabration to up stand in the market..a saying is there "united we stand divided we fall"... |
Posted by: Ramesh M Singh,
2009-08-14 |
Thank god, there is HOPE after all. Collaborative Advantage is about creating synergy and win-win situation and benefiting from them. It propounds mutual understanding, respect, harmony, togetherness, sharing, learning, sensitivity. Whereas, comparative advantage and competitive advantage are about upmanship, pursuit to prove that one was better and superior. They bred arrogance and greed, hostility and brutality, exploitation and depravity. Competitive advantage offered materialistic glory, and also bred ruthlessness, impunity and insensitivity toward nature. Everybody knows that the earth has been pushed to the brim. It appears sense has dawned with realization that real winning comes through collaboration and not competition. So there is HOPE. Afterall, there is only one earth. I hope this collaborative advantage concept catches up fast and saves humanity. |
Posted by: Mahesh Kumar Isher,
2011-09-10 |
The content of the website is very fruitful to me and learner. Thanks a lot Dear Guru. Mahesh |
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Creating Value through Quality |
I like to humbly request you to give your expert, humble opinions and imptression on the tiopic. |
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2009-05-09 |
I always received your message and became happhy reading your thoughts, comments and ideas. Please contunue it and send me more and more information. I also share it among my friends. They wants to meet you. So, please come to Birgunj once. We are waiting you. Thanks again. |
Posted by: Abdul Wahid Mir ,
2009-05-09 |
A Value-less person, a family, an organisation or a nation can have no quality/future.
Wahid |
Posted by: Ramesh M Singh,
2009-05-12 |
Quality has to be something that adds value to what ever we are talking about - whether it is our life, products/services, thoughts, preachings, or any other actions for that matter. No value no quality. Since value has lot to do with perception which in turn is conditioned by a number of variables, I was wondering what kind of values we should be creating (or be trying to create!!) from the growing consumerism in Nepal and the world. |
Posted by: Dr. Richard Ennals, UK,
2009-05-12 |
‘CREATING VALUE THROUGH QUALITY’ suggests a definition of Quality that includes sharing and mutual empowerment, with dimensions which transcend measurement. We should not confuse measurement with quantification. Perhaps we should talk in terms of evaluation. |
Posted by: David Hutchens, UK,
2009-05-12 |
Quality is judgmental or comparative. If you have a statement such as ‘CREATING VALUE THROUGH QUALITY’ it is actually meaningless as it stands because it contains no references. It sounds nice admittedly but it does not tell you what to do or what to expect. |
Posted by: Dr. John Man, Australia,
2009-05-13 |
‘CREATING VALUE THROUGH QUALITY’ - Probably stands for a phrase that will do well on a banner or as a slogan or even a motto. Deming (1982) advocated a principle ‘No Slogans’ for a reason. It is the habit of leaders and managers to exhort employees with airy-fairy statements that do not specify the precise actions that define them. |
Posted by: Dr. Dallas J. Blankenship, USA,
2009-05-13 |
An act or a product has value and is beyond the ordinary that users and observers will likely think and often say, "WOW". This is ‘CREATING VALUE THROUGH QUALITY’ |
Posted by: Prof. Syed Ali, USA,
2009-05-13 |
A central point in the PKCV is Value Modes Effect & Analysis (ValMEA), a concept which connects the higher and the lower level of customer value abstraction by describing that customer value appears in different "modes" in different contexts. |
Posted by: Mr. Y.L. Chang, Malaysia,
2009-05-13 |
We feel good and satisfied with the change, little changes that make the differences, 5S/Kaizen making it Living Kaizen, easily implemented yet Value Add, and happiness and Peace in mind Create Value. These are ‘CREATING VALUE THROUGH QUALITY’ |
Posted by: Hesam A. Kashfi, Iran,
2009-05-13 |
Both VALUE and QUALITY are rather the same in a sense that quality is the contracted name assigned to a set of inherent values of an entity either tangible ( goods) or intangible (services). Any of quality characteristics bear within itself part of the overall value we are requiring and expecting. If the product is found of no value, nobody will buy it even with lowest price. |
Posted by: Kamran Moosa, Pakistan,
2009-05-13 |
Simply said, it is a process of acquiring beautiful colors, good feelings, and strength for the social fabric of a community, society or the mankind as a whole. |
Posted by: Dr. Vikram J. Naber, India,
2009-05-13 |
Quality has: (i) Static components such as Quality of Performance and Quality of Conformance...a MINIMUM something that a customer always asks for, and which a supplier strives to give, and (ii) Dynamic components which, by definition, change. These are Innovative by nature and CREATE & ADD VALUE (over and above the contribution of the Static components). |
Posted by: Janak Mehata,
2009-05-13 |
Value is the totality of offerings (tangible and intangible) as perceived by the customer, Quality implies offering products and services as defined and expected by the customer (effectiveness); with the use of minimal resources (efficiency) i.e. stable and capable processes, and Creating implies understanding value from the customer’s perspective and delivering the same in a cost effective manner with minimal harm to the environment and the society through Quality" |
Posted by: Dr. R.H.G.Rau,
2009-05-13 |
Quality is “Conformity to Commitment”; the commitment I make day-in and day-out to every single transaction. Every transaction point is also a potential source of adding value. The attention to quality in every single activity of ours adds enhanced value to life thereby reaffirming my belief that quality and value are inextricably linked. |
Posted by: Ramesh R Divekar,
2009-05-13 |
Quality is one word which talk volumes of philosophy, which if not practiced does not add value. |
Posted by: Raju Maharjan,
2009-07-07 |
I have read your article that you had posted on Feb 23, 2009. I myself enjoy a lot being in the lap of mother nature. Mother nature is too good to escape from.
The story that you have written is simple and inspiring. I would thank and congratulate you for your continious efforts and the your style of living. |
Posted by: Niranjan Regmi,
2009-08-02 |
Personally i believe, quality is a value in itself. Often we think that our main service is the only subject which is associated with Quality but we forget about associated and complementary services that we may offer to our customers to delight them. If we are able to delight our customers - value and quality both are delivered.
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