My journey, 2023
Good morning!
First of all, let me wish a happy
and blissful year 2024 to all of you, my families and friends. I am sure you
had a very useful, effective and pleasant life in 2023. Let us forget our past
and live at the present moment. Always smile and be happy. I had a habit of
writing daily diary since my school time. My late father had asked me to write diary
daily before going to bed. That time, the purpose was not to remember what I
have done during the day or not to remember what I have to do in future. But I am sure it was to improve my
handwriting as well as my writing skill. After all, my father was a writer who has
written several famous Nepali stories. Thus, my habit of writing daily diary started
from school time till college university time. I wrote as simple as possible.
First, I use to write in Nepali language and then started writing in English
when I entered Engineering institute in India. When I came back from India and
started working in Nepal, I started writing early morning diary instead of writing
evening diary. I used to write what I need to be done whole day. After having
experience of diary writing, I improved my style of writing in office, merely
adding prioritization and the time frame in the day. After working for 40 years
in industries when I started my own consultancy work, I have to do multi-tasking
with several consultants and clients, I devised my own weekly diary matrix
which I wrote on the white board at my office on the first day of the week
every week. And, what work we have to do by whom and what are the priority for
each job became clear. This was simple and became very effective to communicate
among consultants and keep the track of the work to finish the job. Consultants
were happy to deal with the clients. Let me remind you that we did not have computers
at our hand to work at that time. As the years passed by, now running at
seventy-nine years of age my activities have become lesser and my learning
aptitude is still more. There are some activities worth to note and share. My diary
writings is still going on and the style became more structured. I am just
jotting down my involvement in learning some new skills and is just for my
Haiga art: This year, I learned modern Sumi-e art with water
colour painting. I practiced the art trying to synchronized with my own haiku. To
learn it, I referred to Haigas of the famous artist Ion Codrescue of Romania.
As usual last year 2023, I shared my Haiga every Wednesday of the week in my
face book of Godhooli Dinesh and Nepali haiga. I like to thank Ion for becoming
my model artist.
Haiku essay:
I wrote and submitted to the managing editor Jacob Salzer of “Frog Pond”, a
famous online journal of Haiku Society of America. I wrote an essay on the
history and status of Haiku in Nepal on their request. They have assured me it
will be published in January-February on Frog Pond 47:1, Winter 2024. The title
of the essay is Nepali Haiku Literature: A Landscape. I like to sincerely thank
Michael Dudley, International coordinator of HAS, Editor Jacob Salzer and want
to acknowledge all Nepali Haijin whom I interviewed and gave very useful
Haiga in Luna Alfenje, Argentina: On the October
issue of Luna Alfanje International Haikus, Buenos Aires, Argentina one of my
Nepali Haiku with its translation in English and Portuguese is published. I
like to thank its editor and collaborator Joerge Alberto Gialorenzi with other
international poets’ haikus whos haikus are published on that publication.
World Haiku
publication: Three of my haikus are also published this year in World Haiku
No.19, 2023 in Japan edited by Bany’a Natsuishi. I like to thank Prof. Bany’a
for approving my haiku for publication in such a dignified publication.
Forewords on
Haiku collection: I wrote an introduction of a book having haiku poems of
senior most and one of the promoters of Nepali haiku in Nepal Pushkar Lohani’s titled
“pyari” which is literally translated as ‘Cutie’ in English. The collection has
poet’s 1600 haikus with different characters and tastes such as natural world,
social world, political world and human relations. I tried to analyze and write
my introduction of Pushkar’s new haiku book. The book is still in the press. I
like to thank Pushkar Dai for giving this opportunity.
Preparing Quality People through SQC
Annual National SQC Convention: The 17th National
Convention of Students’ Quality Circles was organized by QUEST-Nepal with great
enthusiasm at Sauraha, Chitwan on 24-26 November 2023. The convention was
hosted by Small Heaven Model School, Chitwan. It opened up wonderful
opportunity for showcasing SQC case studies and other collaborative activities
of about 500 students and 100 teachers. It was very successful and my dream of
expanding SQC at different nooks and corner of the country is now coming true.
I like to thank Surina Gurung and her very dedicated QUEST-Nepal team for organizing
this three-day convention successfully. Moreover I also like to thank Bimal
Kumar Chhetri and his school team for successfully hosting the convention
without any hinderances.
Contacts of SQC: The philosophy and activities of SQC in Nepal is expanding
even outside the country. Jose Francisco Gonzalez Prado, President of Mexican
Institute of Quality Control and Chairman of International Quality Conference
at Mexico invited me to share the activities of QUEST-Nepal and SQC with the
quality educationists and participants at the 4-day conference at Mexico. I
together with Bishesh Bhattarai (MMTQP Awardee of 2015) and one team of seven
students of Kathmandu University High School facilitated by Narad Rijal
presented two papers and one SQC case study at International Quality Conference
at Mexico online virtually on 7 October 2023. I acknowledge Jose F.G. Prado,
Narad Rijal and Bishesh Bhattarai for this trend setting activities of promoting
SQC in Asia Pacific Region.
Moreover, Jose Prado on his visit
to Nepal this year asked me to arrange meeting with the QUEST Nepal Executives,
who are leaders, Directors, Principals of educational institutions and also
requested to observe the SQC case studies directly from Students. We met him on 15th November at
Mystic Hotel, Thamel Kathmandu where students of St. Xavier’s Godavary School
presented their SQC case studies. I like to thank Surina S. Gurung president of
QUEST Nepal and her executive team for enhancing the quality work of SQC in
Nepal this year. Moreover, I like to thank Narad Rijal, vice Principal of KUHS
and Subarna KC, Vice Principal of SXG as well as the SQC leaders and students
for their believe, love and enthusiasm for SQC development, wherever they are
and whenever needed. Thanks dears. Thanks Jose for providing this opportunity.
QUEST-Nepal Outings:
(Quality Circles in Education for Students’ Personality Development in
Nepal) has done wonderful job this year. We had gatherings with purpose with
many SQC facilitators, master trainers, hub coordinators from different parts
of the country at beautiful cities like Hetauda,
Chitwan, Pokhara and a resort at Kalu Pandey hill, Kathmandu. I with Shanti
ma enjoyed meetings with educationists and lovers of SQC from time to time. I
like to thank all SQC enthusiast educationists of QUEST-Nepal for attending
these seminars and meetings and have wonderful deliberations.
Linking with
Japanese Culture and Technology
ICOSSA/AOTS Seminar: I visited Japan 54 years back in 1970 for
the first time as a trainee. I have been very much attracted with Japan’s indigenous
technology, quality culture and discipline. In 1984 and 1986 again, I got
chance to go for a training in Japan under the (APO) Asian Productivity
Organization plan. The program was implemented by AOTS (Association for Overseas
Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnership). After returning back I
joined the alumni society of this organization AOTS in 1991. Became president in
1998 and now I am an advisor of this voluntary organization.
I was asked by
Nepal AOTS to give presentation for ICOSSA (International Cooperating
Organization for SMEs of South Asia) on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
challenges and opportunities for development in Nepal with cooperation with
Japan and other South Asian countries. The program was jointly organized by
ICOSSA Japan and Nepal AOTS on 30th November 2023. I was very much
happy to meet my old colleagues from Japan and new entrepreneurs in Nepal. I
like to thank Prashant and Prajwal from Nepal AOTS to provide me this
opportunity. Moreover I am happy as well as want express my thanks to my friend
Mr. Sato from ICOSSA, Japn.
Meeting with Ambassador of Japan to Nepal: I was fortunate to
be an observer of the Japan’s premier Award offering ceremony at Japanese
Ambassador residence. Ms. Amira Dali whom I call as a queen bee of Nepal AOTS
received the ‘The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays 2023’ from the
Govt. of Japan which was handed over by the Japanese Ambassador to Nepal His
Excellency Mr Yutaka Kikuta. I like to congratulate whole heatedly to Amira San
and also thank her and AOTS colleagues who have given this opportunity to visit
and meet the Ambassador in person.
Family and
Friends Gatherings
Surprise Birthday:
ON the evening of 17th November 2023, my birthdate, bunch
of my dear colleagues from QUEST-Nepal suddenly jumped to my residence. They
have come with birthday cake, beautiful flower bouquet and nice gifts to
celebrate my 79th birthday. I and my wife Shanti were astonished and
felt happy with a fact that in our life of loneliness there are still some rays
of hope of family feelings among friends. I really realized that we are alone
but not lonely.
Son’s Family in Kathmandu: My son is working at Singapore and
lives with his family there. He came Kathmandu to meet us several times this
year. We went several places together with his wife Idelia, and our grandchildren
Ayana and Araniko. They have now grown up and realize the missing of grandparents.
When they were at Kathmandu they enjoyed and even observed the Gunyu Cholo (puberty
attaining festival) of our niece’s daughter Lavanya Pokharel. In the photo in
left you can see Lavanya sitting in front and standing from Left Shanti (my
wife), Idelia (son-in law), Nishit (son), myself, Ayana (grand-daughter) and
Araniko (grand-son).
Thank you for
reading this synopsis of my journey in 2023.
My Journey 2018
Dinesh Chapagain
January 2019
warm greeting from Kathmandu
used to write my annual diary of previous year each January with an
objective of memorizing what I have done and achieved which tell me
to set my mind what I need to do in future. More than this I also
want to thank with a deep concern to everyone who collaborated
supported me in my journey that year. Life is a journey and I travel
and automatically reach some milestones.
Looking back, last
year 2018 was my calmest and peaceful year handing over almost all of
my responsibilities to my families and responsive colleagues. I feel
myself free and indifference to the world affairs. I started thinking
it as the most important milestone of my life journey. I found the
difference in life between being happy and blissful.
क्व वा
शिष्यः क्व
च वा
गुरुः ।
क्व चास्ति
वा निरुपाधेः
शिवस्य मे।।
संहिता २०-१३),
Or, where are
instructions and scriptural injunctions, where is the disciple and
where is the preceptor; where, indeed, is the object of life for me
who am absolute good and free from limitations.
(Ashtavakra Samhita 20-13)
One can be happy
when earned enough money and enough positions in society and achieved
whatever he or she has set as his ambition to achieve in life. But,
one can be joyful or blissful each moment of life, where he or she
will forget the past, keep no ambition of life for future and goes on
behaving as the nature drives him or her at the present moment. Happy
people can be unhappy any moment but the blissful people are always
joyful having no worry. My journey 2018 taught me this difference and
I am thinking of being myself as a witness of the events rather than
the manipulator of happenings in my life.
Spiritual Journey
Except regular and
brief yogasan, pranayam and meditation, I did not perform any
spiritual journey this year. After translating, selling and
distributing Ashtavakra Samhita to my colleagues last year, I thought
I take rest for some time for studying and understanding more on this
subject, or philosophy of spiritualism. I thought it is time to
implement whatever I have learnt or acquired the spiritual and
religious knowledge till now.
Quality Journey
Lately, I initiated
two associations on my quality journey to learn, crate and share the
necessity of quality for industrial, societal and individual growth.
A sustainable growth which will keep all stakeholders in a win-win
situation. This will make a life better for everyone. First one was
NQPCN (Network for Quality Productivity and Competitiveness Nepal)
and immediately after that QUEST-Nepal (Quality Circles fro Students
Personality Development-Nepal).
The concept was
initiated in May 2004 and the organization was legally registered at
Kathmandu CDO office in 2005. This is a network of quality
professionals, academicians, business organizations working in
different areas of quality, productivity and competitiveness in the
nation. This organization works mainly to create value through
QUALITY. NQPCN is associated with the Asian Network for Quality (ANQ)
and also the Asia Pacific Quality Organization (APQO). Members learn,
create and share the knowledge and skills on the world level quality,
productivity, competitiveness, and apply them locally at their
respective fields in Nepal. Since 2004, in its 15 years of journey,
beside me, it already got four leaders to motivate all members as
well as other stakeholders to create value through quality in the
society. I like to thank Dr. Sunity Hada Shrestha. Mr.
Bishnu Dass Dangol, Mr. Ramesh Man Singh and Mr.
Janardan Ghimire who efficiently and effectively handled the
strategic, tactical as well as operational activities as the
president of NQPCN on their tenure. I also like to thank all members
of NQPCN who amicably supported the mission of creating value through
quality in the society. (www.nqpcn.org.np)
With the NQPCN’s
sound policy of transferring leadership in smooth and amicable
environment, this year in the month of November, NQPCN got new
leadership with Mr. Arun Dangol and senior teams of quality
enthusiasts as executive members for two more years to come
(2018-2020). I would like to wish a grand success and more visibility
of NQCN in Nepal and the world at their tenure.
The concept was
initiated in Feb 1999 and the organization was legally registered in
Lalitpur CDO in 2006. This organization is a network of educational
leaders of school children working for developing students’
pro-social personality mainly through applying SQC -Students’
Quality Circles among students. It adopts TQM approach and
systematically problem solving pedagogy to develop the good as well
as the smart personality among young students. Each November grand
gathering of students throughout the country assemble to learn and
share their respective problem solving case studies. One member
school or the cluster hosts the annual convention. And, all member
schools collaborate to gather all students in one forum. Since 2004,
in its 14 years of journey, beside me, it has already got two leaders
to motivate all members as well as other stakeholders to train SQC
master trainers, SQC facilitators and students and have developed
thousands of quality citizens in the society having good and smart
personality. I like to thank Mr. Tejendra Prakash Rajbhandary
and Mr. Nirajan Adhikary who efficiently and effectively
handled the strategic, tactical as well as operational activities as
the president of QUEST-Nepal at their tenure. I also like to thank
all collaborating partners, executive members who amicably supported
the mission of creating total quality people in the society.
With a sound policy
of transferring leadership in smooth and amicable environment, this
year QUEST-Nepal got new leadership with Mr. Raj Kumar Maharjan
and other senior teams of educational enthusiasts as executives for
three more years to come (2018-2021). I would like to wish a grand
success and horizontal spread of SQC activities in Nepal and the
world at their tenure.
This year 2018 can
be summarized as my year of HAIGA initiatives. Haiga is a creative
triangular literary art with three independent arts synchronized
together- Haiku, Artwork and Calligraphy which I learned and started
creating since 2006 in Nepal. In 2018, I started getting outputs as
Haiga exhibits, Haiga products and Haiga publications.
Creative Journey
year 2018 can be summarized as my year of HAIGA initiatives. Haiga is
a creative triangular literary art with three independent arts
synchronized together- Haiku, Artwork and Calligraphy which I learned
and started creating since 2006 in Nepal. In 2018, I started getting
outputs as Haiga exhibits, Haiga products and Haiga publications.
Haiga Exhibits
and Haiga Products
I choose Sumi-e art
( Chinese ink wash) with minimum water colours to synchronize the
Haiku poem I write with Nepali calligraphic fonts on A4 Nepali
handmade Lokta papers. Each Wednesday last year, without fail I could
exhibit my Nepali Haiga on my website and also on my Facebook.
Beside the regular creation of Haiga, I created other Haiga products
like Ceramic mug and Tee-shirts with my Haiga printed on them. I like
to thank Shanti, my wife and other family members for full
support and cooperation.
haiku association, International publication houses and e-journals
have published my Haiga on their publications. The publications have
motivated and inspired me to work for creating more haiku and Haiga
in the future. I like to thank specially Prof. Banya Natsuisi
(WHA) Japan, Helene Phung (Grains De Vent) France, Linda
Papanicolaou (Haigaonline) USA, Linda M. Pilarsky
(Dailyhaiga) canada and Pushkar Lohani (Nuwakot Sahitya) Nepal
who considered my Nepali Haiga worth for publishing motivating and
inspiring me for future works on Haiga.
Haiga: Book Publication
year in December I also published a book with collections of my
Nepali Haiga which is most probably the first in Nepal. The book
contains 75 of my selected Haiga printed in limited quantity on 150
GSM art paper, priced at Rs. 500/- and available with me
(dineshchapagain@gmail.com). The book is dedicated to my young grand
children Araniko who was born six years back in Japan and grew there.
The book was inaugurated by H.E. Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary Masamichi Saigo on a Bo-nen-kai party of Nepal AOTS
Dec 2018 amidst a gathering of Japan returnees. I like to thank
Manoj Mannadhar who
supported the press and design process work, Ms.
Amira Dali,
Advisor Nepal AOTS who facilitated the inaugurating process and more
than others H.E. ambassador of Japan to Nepal Mr.
Masamich Saigo
for inspiring me to work more on this form of artwork which was
generated in Japan 400 years back.
Family Meetings
My personal health
did not allow me to go very far and on long tour last year. Our
daughter Dinita and son Nishit made a point to meet us at Kathmandu.
Nishit came from Singapore and stayed at Kathmandu with us for about
10 days which was really enjoyable moments. Dinita and her family
Hans, Keya and Noor came from Manila in December and we went together
on a small tour of Lumbini and Sauraha. For my young grand children
it was an exciting moment. For me it was going together with my
family. Thank you very much Dinita, Hans, Nishit and Keya
Noor for giving me an enjoyable meeting at the time of our
Hospital Trip
Actually, this year
I was regularly on a Physician’s monitoring status as per my health
concern. In the beginning of the year itself, with my ailing heart
condition, I had a severe lung infection detected while we were at
Biratnagar and was given strong antibiotics for curing it. Then,
surprisingly problem on my liver detected. It took me almost six
months to diagnosed and get cured. So with my heart, lungs and liver
affected and cured already I am fit and fine to march forward. I
whole heartedly like to thank Dr. Ranjit Sharma, Dr.
Sudhansu KC, Dr. Ajay Pradhan, and more than any others
Dr. Bhim Kharel who supported and facilitated me in all my
health problems.
Last but not the
least, I would like thank to all colleagues who have
supported me in my journey as well as my big family members together
with my beloved Shanti and others during several occasions from
time to time in 2018.
Thank you all…
My Journey 2017 Looking back, last year 2017 was my fabulous year. I enjoyed my days with my professional colleagues, friends, families and neighbor cohesively enjoying every pulse of time, days and nights. I crossed some interesting and fruitful mile stones in my journey of life through learning, creating and sharing, getting supports and collaborations from my well wishers, teachers, and young movers. Recalling what I really achieved in this year is an arduous task to me. However, I should not stop myself to thank all those who were together with me and supporting me on my entire journey. Herewith, I like to make notes on the following five journey topics I travelled throughout as Quality journey, spiritual journey, creative journey, family trip and hospital trip. Trips are onetime discrete project with known destinations where as journey is a continuously moving and exploring milestones, almost unknown destinations to travelers. 1. Quality journey I started my quality journey in Nepal since I got training on ‘Management by Quality’ from Prof. Hitoshi Kume in 1996 at Tokyo and then reinforced my knowledge from Prof. Noriaki Kano on Total Quality Management in 1998 at Kathmandu. These are my two senior Senseis or gurus from Japan whom I like to salute again and again repeatedly who guided me to introduce the clear concept of quality and productivity, which I tried to focus in Nepal in real sense. In 1999, I got a chance to meet Dr. Jagdish Gandhi and his team mates Dr. Vineeta Kamran and late Mr. Prakash Chandra Bihari at CMS Lucknow, India who opened my eyes that quality is nothing but an attitude of mind and so we need to inculcate quality concepts in the young mind of children who are still in schools. I like to offer my thanks to Dr. Gandhi and the CMS team for this eye opening experience. I started my journey to change the mindset of young school students in Nepal from individual competitiveness to a teamcollaboration. I said ‘Collaborate with others and compete with yourself’ Two institutions For this, I initiated NQPCN http//nqpcn.org.np in 2004 and QUEST Nepal in 2006 http//questnepal.org.np for business quality and for students personality development, respectively as institutions with collaboration of many professionals and educationists inside the country. I like to thank Dr. Sunity Shrestha, Mr. Bishnu Dass Dangol and Mr. Ramesh Man Singh who were heading NQPCN to a great height till this time. Mr. Janardan Ghimire and his team mates Manohar Sreshtha, Arun Dangol, Maheswor P. Yadav, Mukunda Joshi and many others who worked days and nights to make a successful 15th Asian Network Congress at Kathmandu in September 2017. It was a large gathering of quality professionals from many Asian countries where I found one of my mile stones in my quality journey. I was given a privilege to be one of the six key note speakers. http//www.dineshchapagain.com.np/admin/files/2e4d2bbee6dd76bda22d97c531b83de3.pdf. I talked on ‘Students’ Quality Circles SQC in Nepal’ which was a new knowledge to most of the quality professionals. I was so happy to introduce the two young quality crusaders in Nepal Janardan Ghimire President, NQPCN and Nirajan Adhikairi President, QUEST Nepal with Dr. Noriaki Kano, my quality guru. Thus, happily I relaxed to reaching this mile stone with the help of so many friends. Everyone, thank you very much. QUESTNepal collaborating with Monastic School organized the 13th National Convention on Students’ Quality Circles 2017 13th NCSQC 2017 in November 2017 at Janakpurdham. It was a great celebration with about one thousand students talking about quality and total quality person with good and smart personality. Oh! how great it was. The Mansha Memorial Total Quality Person MMTQP awards were given to five selected students. I like to congratulate all five winners. Award recipients were of the age group 13 to 15 years. They were Sharina Khadka, Tisha Shrestha, Shreeja Shrestha, Prasant Hyangju and Bikalpa Adhikari. It was another mile stone in my quality journey. I like to thank Dr. Sonu Kumar, Mr. BN Sharma, Mr. Nirajan Adhikari, and his team mates Narad Rijal, Raj Kumar Maharjan, Subarna KC, Ravi Shrestha, and all QUEST executives who supported me to achieve this milestones. I am sure this will continue in future with more coulerful feathers on young students. https//www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKYUhlr7yfc. 2. Spiritual journey I started my religious and/or spiritual journey after I had my open heart surgery 4 X CABG at Delhi in December 2003. I had been to Rishikesh, Uttarakhnada India several times for short period before that time to drop and bring our sons and daughters in Dehradoon schools 60 kilometers from there. But when I been to Rishikesh in 2004, I felt a sudden vibration within me which said this is the place. Yes! This is the place where you belong to. Some hidden inner feelings came to me where were you all these days? Each second, I felt there are peace, tranquility and peace. I realized whatever you are trying to do is not at all in your hand. It is somewhere someone who is guiding you and giving you sorrow and happiness in your life. They call it God, Allah, Jesus, the almighty Lord. WoW wonder of wonders. I stayed there for 15 days first time, then slowly increasing my stay for one month, two months and then up to three months each year. I used to go there every year in the month of November and stay up to February. There I started reading books on different religions, Geeta, Kuran, Bible and also their interpretation by saints and intellectuals Indians and westerners. I learned and practiced Yoga and went to meet saints who use to come from different parts of India, and other countries like Brazil, German, Jamaica and others. There, I translated from English to Nepali the knowledge sheets of Sri Sri Ravi Shanker volume 7, 6, 5, 4, and his two other books Punarnava new again and Wisdom for the new millennium. All these are published and sold by Art of Living Nepal. My teachers for this journey of religion and spiritualism are, thus, unknown saints and fakirs at Rishikesh and also original religious scripts and interpretations by writers of different religious faiths. I realized that the religions of various faiths are different but the core of religion or the juicy part of religion is the spiritualism, which comes to same conclusion. The path may be different but the destination is the same. The goal of life of this entire world population is to have peace and happiness in their life. To achieve this have a faith on some uncertainty happening on this continuously changing world. The only never changing is your own self, your soul which is within you. You make journey towards it and be happy. In 2017, I found two milestones in this spiritual endeavor. Art of Living Nepal got approval from the head office of AOL at Bangalore for printing my Nepali translation of Sri Sri’s commentary on Ashtavakra Geeta and thus published and got it launched by Gurujee at Banglore and also in Nepal by AOL Nepal chairman Mr. Santosh Sharma at Nepal AOL centre. I like to give my special thanks to Sashi R. Pandey, Tulasi P. Uprety and Surya Parajuli at Nepal AOL centre who motivated me and supported me to get it published make available to Nepali language loving populations. Refer Books on quality site of my website www.dineshchapagain.com.np This year 2017, I also published a spiritual book titled ‘Ashtavakra Samhitawhat I am and what is this world’. This is again not my own thought but translation of the original verses in Sanskrit language on the concept of nondualism. The first translation in English was done by Swami Nityananda Saraswati of Ram Krishna Mission, India. It contains discourses on the liberalization in life between a 12 years old child saint Ashtavakra and King Janak of Jankpurdham Nepal. Fortunately the book was publicly launched by the mayor of Jankpurdham Municipality at a grand ceremony in Janakpurdham itself. I got it published myself and most of the copies are sold or distributed among the people who are travelling travelling spiritual path. I like to thank Manoj Manandhar, Prof. Shivagopal Risal and Mayor Mr. Lal Kishor Saha for their support and help for printing and launching of this spiritual book. http//www.dineshchapagain.com.np/books_quality.php#1 . Till now what I learned and published in my book is – I am a pure consciousness Self which is stainless, unchangeable, formless, universal and immortal. This world is just like a juggler show, a mirage. They are all changeable come here, seen for some time and then go back. Knowing this, I will remain peaceful and happy enjoying my Selfconsciousness doing whatever comes on my way with empty and hollow mind, having no desires and worries. 3. Creative journey I was neither a creative writer nor an artist in my previous professional life. But I had always a desire to become a stage artist or movie actor. I used to play in drama or a comedy show in college days. Let me say I never got a chance to polish my right side of my creative brain. When I was approaching an age of 70 and I felt I have free time. I liked to start my creative journey by reading, learning the Japanese traditional poetry which is called a shortest poetry in the world. I liked it. I bought one book in Tokyo titled Haikuthe poetic key to Japan edited by Mutsuo Takahashi, Hakudo Inoue and Kazuya Takaoka. I enjoyed it very much and started translating more than hundred haikus of great Japanese haijins from the book. This taught me the essence of Haiku lovely three lines poetry with 17 sounds on nature’s seasonal variations. Simultaneously, I started learning sketch painting and water colour painting. The first brush stroke I draw was on 2014 and then I never stopped. I suddenly found that the combination of Haiku with visual art and calligraphy gives wonderful artifact. I started digging out books and internet surfing to learn more and more on this type of artifact which is called Haiga. Eureka! I found this the one which I wanted to learn, create and share to my Nepalese colleagues. And this became my creative journey since 2015. In 2017, I bought book on anthology of English Haiku titled ‘Haiku in Englishthe first Hundred years’ edited by Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland and Allan Burns and ‘Naad anunad –an anthology of contemporary world haiku’ edited by Kala Ramesh, Sanjukta Asopa and Sloka Sarkar. I learned a lot from them. To learn Haiga I bought four volumes of ‘See haiku here’ artistically prepared by Kuniharu Shimizu, World Haiku Association’s monthly Haiga contest jury. Each volume contains haigas prepared by Shimizu with haiku by Matsuo Basho, Buson Yosa, Issa Kobayashi and Kuniharu Shimizu respectively. It delighted me and motivated to learn more. Then suddenly, I encountered with a book titled ‘Sumi e the art of Japanese ink painting’ by Shozo Sato. A painting brushed with inner feelingssoul. My spiritual mind attracted this painting and I tried to adopt this Sumie painting in Haiku I wrote. I tried to use Nepali Lokta paper, an unique strong and ink absorbing paper to draw the ink painting with Nepai Haiku. I termed it as Nepali Haiga and I started to create them and posted them each Wednesday regularly with my haiga name ‘godhooli’ Dinesh. www.dineshchapagain.com.np. On Bonenkai 2017, I presented one of my Nepali Haiga to H.E. Mr. Masashi Ogawa Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Chancery in Nepal as my creation. In 2017, I got another mile stone of my creative journey. I became a member of World Haiku Association. Three of my Nepali Haigas posted on my personal website were selected and published on a French journal titled Herbier Haiku by Graines de Vent. My Haikus were translated in French language by Helene Phung from Montreal. She was one of the editors of the Journal, too. The year was my learning year and initiation to create for sharing a new artifacts called Nepali Haiga my water colour Sumie art on Nepali Lokta paper for my own Haiku. I will continue this journey, without knowing its destination where I will reach. I like to thank from my inner heart my gurus of Haiku and Haiga and also the Sumie painting. Specially, I like to mention their name here. Matsuo Takahashi Japan, Jim Kacian USA, Kala Ramesh India, Kuniharu Shimiju Japan and Helene Phung Canada. I have never met them in person. 4. Family meeting, an East Asian trip At present, both of our children live in East Asia. Daughter Dinita Chapagain lives in Manila and son Nishit in Tokyo with their families. The year 2017 began with wonderful surprise to us. Nishit and his wife Idelia invited us to enjoy New Year in Bali, Indonesia. Indeed a beautiful island with several beaches and scenic spots. Nishit was with his wife Idelia and also two children Ayana and Araniko. We stayed at a family resort in Nusa Dua for few weeks and enjoyed a lot roaming around beaches like Kuta, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua, Pandav, Sanur and many other private beaches. Went to Pura Ulu watu and Pura Tanhalot and enjoyed magnificent sunset there. Visited Ubud art village and monkey forest. Enjoyed Balian, Chinese, Italian and Idian foods. It was indeed a magnificent year beginning in our life. Our daughter Dinita and her husband Hans van Rijn invited us at Manila, Philippines and enjoyed our stay there with our grand children Keya and Noor in a tropical climate with lots of fruits and vegetables. We also enjoyed the Chinese New Rooster year at Chinatown with good foods. I got free time to regularly swim, do yoga, have painting and write spiritual books. Played with children and met few wonderful south Asian grand papas and grand mamas from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka living there at the same Dasmarinus village Makati since long. Many pleasant and memorable evenings we enjoyed with them. From there, Nishit again invited us to visit his place at Tokyo. Shanti and I went there and spent a leisure time with them. Playing Logo with Araniko and doing painting with Ayana. Our grand children will be always in our memory at Tokyo. The most memorable day was our travel to ski resort in Tambara which is near Tokyo, just three hours drive. Araniko and Ayana got lessons of Ski and all enjoyed the driving by Nishit and observing the snow and the people skiing. For us, it was a new and mesmerizing scene with small children skiing and enjoying the snow. I like to thank Dinita, Hans, Nishit and Idelia for their invitation and taking wel care of us, providing all facilities we demanded. More than this enjoying our leisure time with our grand children Keya 11 yrs, Noor 9 years, Ayana 7 years and Araniko 5 years. 5. Hospital trip Since 2015, I have become so much attracted with hospitals, doctors and nurses that my body cannot resist going to hospital, very often. The year 2017 was not exceptional. In March, I felt difficulty in briskly walking for even 100 meters without rest. I visited my personal physician Dr. Ranjeet Sharma and got some medicines which improved my breathing and walking capacity, but very slowly. I had open heart with CABG of four arteries in 2003 and then I was perfectly alright till 2015. After that I had angioplasty with two stents on my heart in summer 2015 and three stents in winter 2015. Again in 2017, I felt some problems. In winter I went to Medant Hospital Delhi and met my physician of 2003 who advised me to have thelium stress test and advised me for again angioplasty. Thus, two more stents were added in my heart. In this way on my heart I had four bypass graftings and seven stents, which is helpful for my heart beat to push my life. My heart is now very delicate as well as precious inside my heart. My wife Shanti was always with me in my hospital trip. I called it a trip because I have to visit and hospitalized regularly and come fresh after discharge. I like to thank Dr. Ranjit Sharma, Dr. RR Kasliwal and Dr. Rajneesh Kapoor and my nephew Dr. Suman Rijal who supported me in my trip to hospital. Thanks to all colleagues who has supported me in my journey as well as my big family members together with my beloved Shanti and others during several occasions from time to time in 2017. Thank you all…
January 2017
My Journey 2016
Since my childhood, my parents always insisted me to write
diary on daily basis before going to bed. I tried a lot but could not continue
it for long. May be I had three or four diaries, but incomplete
After retirement in 2005, I started to note down which I learned, created
and shared in one year. I called this diary as "My journey in
previous year". Then, I emailed them to my close friends and families whom
actually I wanted to thank to support me in the journey.
This time, I like to write my journal and post it on my
personal website so that it will remain till the support of this marvelous
technology exits in this world. I am giving the briefs of my journey in the
year 2016 in four sub headings: My spiritual journey, My journey in creation of
literature and arts, My quality journey, and My journey in materialistic family
1.My spiritual journey
I spent my time reading philosophy of Buddhism and
specially Buddhist psychology from Tibet. Book I read were Buddhist Psychology
by Padmasiri De Silva, The heat of Buddhist Meditation by Naganaponika Thera,
Tibetian Buddhism in Western Perspective by Herbert V. Guenther, The
Tibetan Book of the Dead compiled by W.Y.Evans-Wentz, Awakening the Buddha
within Eight Steps to Enlighten by Lama Surya Das, Grain of Gold by Gendun
Chopel, In the Form of Feudal Wisdom by Gendun Chopel. The madmans middle Way
by Donald S. Lopez Jr., The Hidden Connection by Fritzof Capra and Fermats Last
Theorem by Simon Singh.
I like to thank from my heart to my son-in-law Hans Van
Rijn and daughter Dinita who have thousands of book at their collection in
Manila and also have interest in Buddhism and Zen philosophy. I got this
opportunity to read at their residence in my plentiful leisure time. Really
Beside these readings, I also gave my finishing touch
to my draft translation of "Astavakra Geeta", A commentary from
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. It took another three months to finalize the translation
ready to print. I have already handed over the final copy to the ART of LIVING
Nepal office for printing. I got the news that the office is on the process of
formalizing the copyright of the book from the AOL head office, from Gurujee. I
got more chance to read, understand and realize on the importance of Adowait
thoughts of spiritualism, during this process. I considered now this is very
similar to what Buddhism psychology speaks about.
I like to sincerely thank Tulasi Uprety, Surya jee, Lila
jee, Santosh Sharma and Shashi Raj Pandey for their continuous effort to make this
happen. Motivated me to learn more and more. Thank you very much all Gurubhai
and Gurubahini at Art of Living.
2. My journey of creation in literature and art
I continued my writing of Haiku poems and painting on
it which I called as Nepali Haiga. I tried to standardize my Nepali Haiga this
year. In Haiku now a days many versions can be found. However, I used the
IMAGERY definition of Haiku. With the traditional three lines and 5-7-5
structure, I tried to make two phrases to tell the story of senses like sound,
touch, taste, fragrance and physical presence. I used the Lokta Nepali Paper of
A4 size portrait view for painting. It is not yet perfect, though. I wanted to
get comments on it from experts of Haiga around the world and also Nepali poets
and artists. With this intention, I made a point to post one of my Haiga every
Wednesday on my personal website at its homepage, and also post it in the
Facebook site opened in the name of Godhooli Dinesh. I have also created a
group called Nepali Haiga on Facebook. I have made several FB friends
from Nepal and other countries and am getting some comments already from few of
them. I am encouraged though. The combination of brief poem and painting on it,
the creation of poet and painter looks great. I am also learning and enjoying a
lot from world renowned artists and poet on Face book.
In this learning and sharing process, I like to thank very
much to Kiran Manandhar, Abhi Subedi, Dharma Raj Karnikar, Kuniharu Shimizu,
Kala Ramesh, Pushpa Adhikari, Ghanashyam Sharma, May Pan, Ed. Saejack Arnold,
Purna Munakami, Geordano Genghini, Sunder Alpabhase, Yelji Divas, Poorna
Sangbangphe, and many other face book friends with whom I have never met before
but I share my Haiga every week. It is a wonderful feeling that I love the
motivational feelings from the one whom I have never met. This is a wonderful
imaginary world. Is not it?
3. My quality journey
The whole year with my notion of COLLABORATE WITH OTHERS
BUT COMPETE WITH YOURSELF. I clarified this message to many organizations,
educational institutions and young students. There are three most important
organizations which I was involved in creation and love the most. Nepal AOTS,
NQPCN and QUEST-Nepal.
Nepal AOTS, which is an organization of ex trainees of
AOTS, HIDA and CICC, observed this year the 25th Anniversary of its
establishment with gatherings of Nepalese and Japanese officials and AOTS HIDA
ex-trainees. I gave one hour presentation of 25 years of Nepal AOTS
journey to the audiences focusing on the concept of life cycle and
breakthrough. The program was really a great moment to keep in record of
I like to thank sincerely Mahesh Nakarmi, Prasant Shrestha,
Prakash Suwal, Prajwal and other family members of Nepal AOTS to give me such
an opportunity for presentation.
NQPCN, an organization called Network for Quality and
Productivity and Competitiveness in Nepal is awarded by the Asian Network for
Quality an opportunity to host the ANQ Congress in Nepal on September 2017.
This will be an wonderful opportunity for networking with world class quality
professionals at Nepal.
I am so thankful and proud that the chairman and board
directors, specially Noriaki Kano, Janak Mehta and others of ANQ
who accepted our proposal. Also special thanks to Janardan Ghimire, Manohar
Bahadur Shrestha, Maheshwar Yadav, and many other friends from NQPCN and wish
we will have a great conference on quality in Nepal after long time, next year.
QUEST-Nepal, an organization called Quality circles in
education for students personality development Nepal, organized a grand
3rd hub convention at different parts of the country and the 12th national
convention at Sainik Avasia Mahavidyaya, Bahktapur. Many dignitaries from
Government and military officials were present. They observed and appreciated
the students quality circle movement in Nepal. Mr. Nanda Bahadur Pun, vice
president of the Federal Republic of Nepal was present as the Chief guest of
the opening ceremony of the convention. I was really pleased to share my
thoughts on SQC to all, which I promoted Nepal since a decade in Nepal. On the
occasion the Mansha Memorial Award was presented to five students who were
declared as Total Quality People. I established the Mansha Memorial TQP Award
on the name of my youngest daughter. This was the first time I was present
personally to observe the awarding ceremony. Five awardee students were from schools
at different districts in the country like Bibasta Paudel and Prajjwal Sharma
from Palpa, Prashant Bhattarai from Lalitpur, Dhiraj Kumar Shrestha from Kavre,
and Rushil Nepal from Bhaktapur. I felt my ambition of creating a new culture
of students education already took a sustainable movement in Nepal, now.
I like to thank Nirajan Adhikari, Rajkumar Maharjan, Ravi
Bhattarai, Subarna, Surina, A. Shamim Baburam Banjade and hundred of
QUEST-Nepal colleagues who sincerely took over the responsibility of SQC
movement in Nepal. I like to thank Subarna Raj KC specially on administrating
the Mansha Memorial Total Quality Person Award.
Also, just to add on to all these, I had a nice talk
program on Attractive Quality practices of Noriaki Kano with few
energetic young entrepreneurs of Nepal. I like to thank Ajay
Rajbhandari and Mahesh Gorkhali for organizing the program with them, very
4. My journey in materialistic family affairs
I together with my wife had a wonderful year 2016 with our
immediate family. Immediate family now we have son Nishit, daughter Dinita,
son-in-law Hans Van Rijn and daughter-in-law Idelia Tjandra. In addition to
that our wonderful grand daughters Keya (10 yrs), Noor (8 yrs), Ayana (6 yrs)
and Araniko (4 yrs.). We missed our lovely daughter Mansha of course a year
back in 2015.
The early January 2016 we all were at Manila in Dinita and
Hans residence, enjoying Happy New Year 2016. All of us meet very rarely as
everyone lives in different countries. Nishit with his wife, and their
daughter and son live in Tokyo, Japan. Dinita with her husband, and
their two daughters live in Manila, Philippines. We, Shanti and I live in
Kathmandu, Nepal. To be together all at one place and enjoy New year was a
golden gift to us. We had this opportunity on 2016. Thanks to all my children
to make possible this program.
Simiarly again the end of the year 2016 was also very
interesting. We enjoyed the Christmas at Bali, Indonesia with family of Nishit,
Idelia, Ayana, Araniko, and also with parents of Idelia parents Steve Frank,
and Shelly Tjandra. We gave the finishing touch of the year 2016 very well in the
Chanang Sari, a beachside Uluwatu mountain beach resort. Wonderful landscape,
tasty foods and marvelous climate. I like to thank Nishit to arrange all
this visit and stay at Bai, Indonesia.
We stayed at our Bafal residence peacefully with the help
and support of Nirmala and her children Nischal and Nirjala. During our stay we
finished the repair and maintenance work of our houses at Bagh bazaar and
Bafal, both. The minor repair and painting was needed for both houses
because of the damages done by the Earthquake of 2015. We completed that. And,
it was also a great relief to us. In this regard, Hari Paudel also helped a
lot. I like to thank Nirmala and Hari who were always with us to support and
help us whenever we needed them the most. Thank you all.
Thanks to all others who has helped me and my family
Shanti and others during several occasions from time to time in 2016.
January 2018
My Journey 2017
Looking back, last year 2017 was
my fabulous year. I enjoyed my days with my professional colleagues, friends,
families and neighbor cohesively enjoying every pulse of time, days and nights.
I crossed some interesting and fruitful mile stones in my journey of life
through learning, creating and sharing, getting supports and collaborations from
my well wishers, teachers, and young movers. Recalling what I really achieved
in this year is an arduous task to me. However, I should not stop myself to thank
all those who were together with me and supporting me on my entire journey. Herewith,
I like to make notes on the following five journey topics I travelled
throughout as Quality journey, spiritual journey, creative journey, family trip
and hospital trip. Trips are onetime discrete project with known destinations where
as journey is a continuously moving and exploring milestones, almost unknown
destinations to travelers.
Quality journey
I started my
quality journey in Nepal since I got training on ‘Management by Quality’ from
Prof. Hitoshi Kume in 1996 at Tokyo and then reinforced my knowledge from Prof.
Noriaki Kano on ‘Total Quality Management’ in 1998 at Kathmandu. These are my
two senior Senseis or gurus from Japan whom I like to salute again and again
repeatedly who guided me to introduce the clear concept of quality and
productivity, which I tried to focus in Nepal in real sense. In 1999, I got a
chance to meet Dr. Jagdish Gandhi and his team mates Dr. Vineeta Kamran and late
Mr. Prakash Chandra Bihari at CMS Lucknow, India who opened my eyes that
quality is nothing but an attitude of mind and so we need to inculcate quality
concepts in the young mind of children who are still in schools. I like to
offer my thanks to Dr. Gandhi and the CMS team for this eye opening experience.
I started my journey to change
the mindset of young school students in Nepal from individual- competitiveness
to a team-collaboration. I said ‘Collaborate with others and compete with
yourself’ Two institutions For this, I initiated NQPCN -http://nqpcn.org.np- in 2004 and QUEST-Nepal in 2006 -http://questnepal.org.np-
for business quality and for students personality development, respectively as
institutions with collaboration of many professionals and educationists inside
the country. I like to thank Dr. Sunity Shrestha, Mr. Bishnu Dass Dangol and
Mr. Ramesh Man Singh who were heading NQPCN to a great height till this time.
Mr. Janardan Ghimire and his team mates Manohar Sreshtha, Arun Dangol, Maheswor
P. Yadav, Mukunda Joshi and many others who worked days and nights to make a successful 15th Asian Network
Congress at Kathmandu in September 2017. It was a large gathering of quality
professionals from many Asian countries where I found one of my mile stones in
my quality journey.
I was given a privilege to be
one of the six key note speakers. -http://www.dineshchapagain.com.np/admin/files/2e4d2bbee6dd76bda22d97c531b83de3.pdf-. I talked on ‘Students’ Quality Circles
(SQC) in Nepal’ which was a new knowledge to most of the quality professionals.
I was so happy to introduce the two young quality crusaders in Nepal- Janardan
Ghimire (President, NQPCN) and Nirajan Adhikairi President, (QUEST Nepal) with
Dr. Noriaki Kano, my quality guru. Thus, happily I relaxed to reaching this
mile stone with the help of so many friends. Everyone, thank you very much.
QUEST-Nepal collaborating with
Monastic School organized the 13th National Convention on Students’ Quality
Circles 2017 (13th NCSQC 2017) in November 2017 at Janakpurdham. It
was a great celebration with about one thousand students talking about quality
and total quality person with good and smart personality. Oh! how great it was.
The Mansha Memorial Total Quality Person (MMTQP) awards were given to five
selected students. I like to congratulate all five winners. Award recipients
were of the age group 13 to 15 years. They were Sharina Khadka, Tisha Shrestha,
Shreeja Shrestha, Prasant Hyangju and Bikalpa Adhikari. It was another mile
stone in my quality journey. I like to thank Dr. Sonu Kumar, Mr. BN Sharma, Mr.
Nirajan Adhikari, and his team mates Narad Rijal, Raj Kumar Maharjan, Subarna
KC, Ravi Shrestha, and all QUEST executives who supported me to achieve this
milestones. I am sure this will continue in future with more coulerful feathers
on young students. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKYUhlr7yfc).
2. Spiritual journey
I started my religious and/or
spiritual journey after I had my open heart surgery (4 X CABG) at Delhi in December 2003. I had been to Rishikesh,
Uttarakhnada India several times for short period before that time to drop and
bring our sons and daughters in Dehradoon schools 60 kilometers from there. But
when I been to Rishikesh in 2004, I felt a sudden vibration within me which
said this is the place. Yes! This is the place where you belong to. Some hidden
inner feelings came to me - where were you all these days? Each second, I felt
there are peace, tranquility and peace. I realized whatever you are trying to
do is not at all in your hand. It is somewhere someone who is guiding you and
giving you sorrow and happiness in your life. They call it God, Allah, Jesus,
the almighty Lord. WoW- wonder of wonders. I stayed there for 15 days first
time, then slowly increasing my stay for one month, two months and then up to
three months each year. I used to go there every year in the month of November
and stay up to February. There I started reading books on different religions,
Geeta, Kuran, Bible and also their interpretation by saints and intellectuals
Indians and westerners. I learned and practiced Yoga and went to meet saints
who use to come from different parts of India, and other countries like Brazil,
German, Jamaica and others. There, I translated from English to Nepali the
knowledge sheets of Sri Sri Ravi Shanker volume 7, 6, 5, 4, and his two other
books Punarnava - new again and Wisdom for the new millennium. All these are
published and sold by Art of Living Nepal. My teachers for this journey of
religion and spiritualism are, thus, unknown saints and fakirs at Rishikesh and
also original religious scripts and interpretations by writers of different religious
faiths. I realized that the religions of various faiths are different but the
core of religion or the juicy part of religion is the spiritualism, which comes
to same conclusion. The path may be different but the destination is the same.
The goal of life of this entire world population is to have peace and happiness
in their life. To achieve this have a faith on some uncertainty happening on
this continuously changing world. The only never changing is your own self,
your soul which is within you. You make journey towards it and be happy.
In 2017, I found two milestones
in this spiritual endeavor. Art of Living Nepal got approval from the head
office of AOL at Bangalore for printing my Nepali translation of Sri Sri’s
commentary on Ashtavakra Geeta and thus published and got it launched by
Gurujee at Banglore and also in Nepal by AOL Nepal chairman Mr. Santosh Sharma
at Nepal AOL centre. I like to give my special thanks to Sashi R. Pandey,
Tulasi P. Uprety and Surya Parajuli at Nepal AOL centre who motivated me and
supported me to get it published make available to Nepali language loving
populations. Refer Books on quality site of my website (www.dineshchapagain.com.np )
This year 2017, I also published
a spiritual book titled ‘Ashtavakra Samhita-what I am and what is this world’.
This is again not my own thought but translation of the original verses in
Sanskrit language on the concept of non-dualism. The first translation in English
was done by Swami Nityananda Saraswati of Ram Krishna Mission, India. It
contains discourses on the liberalization in life between a 12 years old child
saint Ashtavakra and King Janak of Jankpurdham Nepal. Fortunately the book was
publicly launched by the mayor of Jankpurdham Municipality at a grand ceremony
in Janakpurdham itself. I got it published myself and most of the copies are
sold or distributed among the people who are travelling travelling spiritual
path. I like to thank Manoj Manandhar, Prof. Shivagopal Risal and Mayor Mr. Lal
Kishor Saha for their support and help for printing and launching of this
spiritual book. (http://www.dineshchapagain.com.np/books_quality.php#1
Till now what I learned and
published in my book is – I am a pure consciousness Self which is stainless,
unchangeable, formless, universal and immortal. This world is just like a
juggler show, a mirage. They are all changeable- come here, seen for some time
and then go back. Knowing this, I will remain peaceful and happy enjoying my
Self-consciousness doing whatever comes on my way with empty and hollow mind,
having no desires and worries.
3. Creative journey
I was neither a creative writer
nor an artist in my previous professional life. But I had always a desire to
become a stage artist or movie actor. I used to play in drama or a comedy show
in college days. Let me say I never got a chance to polish my right side of my
creative brain. When I was approaching an age of 70 and I felt I have free
time. I liked to start my creative journey by reading, learning the Japanese
traditional poetry which is called a shortest poetry in the world. I liked it.
I bought one book in Tokyo titled Haiku-the poetic key to Japan edited by
Mutsuo Takahashi, Hakudo Inoue and Kazuya Takaoka. I enjoyed it very much and
started translating more than hundred haikus of great Japanese haijins from the
book. This taught me the essence of Haiku- lovely three lines poetry with 17
sounds on nature’s seasonal variations. Simultaneously, I started learning
sketch painting and water colour painting. The first brush stroke I draw was on
2014 and then I never stopped. I suddenly found that the combination of Haiku
with visual art and calligraphy gives wonderful artifact. I started digging out books and internet
surfing to learn more and more on this type of artifact which is called Haiga. Eureka!
I found this the one which I wanted to learn, create and share to my Nepalese
colleagues. And this became my creative journey since 2015.
In 2017, I bought book on
anthology of English Haiku titled ‘Haiku in English-the first Hundred years’
edited by Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland and Allan Burns and ‘Naad anunad –an
anthology of contemporary world haiku’ edited by Kala Ramesh, Sanjukta Asopa
and Sloka Sarkar. I learned a lot from them. To learn Haiga I bought four volumes
of ‘See haiku here’ artistically prepared by Kuniharu Shimizu, World Haiku
Association’s monthly Haiga contest jury. Each volume contains haigas prepared
by Shimizu with haiku by Matsuo Basho, Buson Yosa, Issa Kobayashi and Kuniharu
Shimizu respectively. It delighted me and motivated to learn more. Then
suddenly, I encountered with a book titled ‘Sumi e- the art of Japanese ink
painting’ by Shozo Sato. A painting brushed with inner feelings-soul. My
spiritual mind attracted this painting and I tried to adopt this Sumi-e
painting in Haiku I wrote. I tried to use Nepali Lokta paper, an unique strong
and ink absorbing paper to draw the ink painting with Nepai Haiku. I termed it
as Nepali Haiga and I started to create them and posted them each Wednesday
regularly with my haiga name ‘godhooli’ Dinesh. (www.dineshchapagain.com.np).
On Bonenkai 2017, I presented one of my Nepali Haiga to H.E. Mr. Masashi Ogawa
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Chancery in Nepal as my creation.
In 2017, I got another mile
stone of my creative journey. I became a member of World Haiku Association. Three
of my Nepali Haigas posted on my personal website were selected and published
on a French journal titled Herbier Haiku by Graines de Vent. My Haikus were
translated in French language by Helene Phung from Montreal. She was one of the
editors of the Journal, too. The year was my learning year and initiation to
create for sharing a new artifacts called Nepali Haiga- my water colour Sumi-e
art on Nepali Lokta paper for my own Haiku. I will continue this journey, without
knowing its destination where I will reach.
I like to thank from my inner
heart my gurus of Haiku and Haiga and also the Sumi-e painting. Specially, I
like to mention their name here. Matsuo Takahashi (Japan), Jim Kacian (USA),
Kala Ramesh (India), Kuniharu Shimiju (Japan) and Helene Phung (Canada). I have
never met them in person.
4. Family meeting, an East Asian
At present, both of our children
live in East Asia. Daughter Dinita Chapagain lives in Manila and son Nishit in
Tokyo with their families. The year 2017 began with wonderful surprise to us.
Nishit and his wife Idelia invited us to
enjoy New Year in Bali, Indonesia. Indeed a beautiful island with several
beaches and scenic spots. Nishit was with his wife Idelia and also two children
Ayana and Araniko. We stayed at a family resort in Nusa Dua for few weeks and
enjoyed a lot roaming around beaches like Kuta, Jimbaran, Nusa Dua, Pandav,
Sanur and many other private beaches. Went to Pura Ulu watu and Pura Tanhalot
and enjoyed magnificent sunset there. Visited Ubud art village and monkey
forest. Enjoyed Balian, Chinese, Italian and Idian foods. It was indeed a
magnificent year beginning in our life.
Our daughter Dinita and her
husband Hans van Rijn invited us at Manila, Philippines and enjoyed our stay
there with our grand children Keya and Noor in a tropical climate with lots of
fruits and vegetables. We also enjoyed the Chinese New Rooster year at
Chinatown with good foods. I got free time to regularly swim, do yoga, have
painting and write spiritual books.
Played with children and met few wonderful south Asian grand papas and
grand mamas from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka living there at the
same Dasmarinus village Makati since long. Many pleasant and memorable evenings
we enjoyed with them. From there, Nishit again invited us to visit his place at
Tokyo. Shanti and I went there and spent a leisure time with them. Playing Logo
with Araniko and doing painting with Ayana. Our grand children will be always
in our memory at Tokyo. The most memorable day was our travel to ski resort in
Tambara which is near Tokyo, just three hours drive. Araniko and Ayana got
lessons of Ski and all enjoyed the driving by Nishit and observing the snow and
the people skiing. For us, it was a new and mesmerizing scene with small
children skiing and enjoying the snow.
I like to thank Dinita, Hans,
Nishit and Idelia for their invitation and taking wel care of us, providing all
facilities we demanded. More than this enjoying our leisure time with our grand
children Keya -11 yrs, Noor -9 years, Ayana -7 years and Araniko - 5 years.
5. Hospital trip
Since 2015, I have become so
much attracted with hospitals, doctors and nurses that my body cannot resist
going to hospital, very often. The year
2017 was not exceptional. In March, I felt difficulty in briskly walking for even
100 meters without rest. I visited my personal physician Dr. Ranjeet Sharma and
got some medicines which improved my breathing and walking capacity, but very
slowly. I had open heart with CABG of four arteries in 2003 and then I was
perfectly alright till 2015. After that I had angioplasty with two stents on my
heart in summer 2015 and three stents in winter 2015. Again in 2017, I felt
some problems. In winter I went to Medant Hospital Delhi and met my physician
of 2003 who advised me to have thelium stress test and advised me for again
angioplasty. Thus, two more stents were added in my heart. In this way on my
heart I had four bypass graftings and seven stents, which is helpful for my
heart beat to push my life. My heart is now very delicate as well as precious
inside my heart. My wife Shanti was always with me in my hospital trip. I
called it a trip because I have to visit and hospitalized regularly and come
fresh after discharge. I like to thank Dr. Ranjit Sharma, Dr. RR Kasliwal and
Dr. Rajneesh Kapoor and my nephew Dr. Suman Rijal who supported me in my trip
to hospital.
Thanks to all colleagues
who has supported me in my journey as well as my big family members together
with my beloved Shanti and others during several occasions from time to time in
Thank you all…
Dear all, Since 1st January 2009, I started learning and expressing the events I observed in the environment (people and nature) through Haiku, the Nano poem initiated in Japan. A lovely experience I had t6hose days. Immediately then, I started clicking these environment in my camera. I integrated my haiku with my photo and coined myself a term for it as photoiku (Photographs and Haiku, together). Started posting it on my personal website as my photoiku in homepage. Now, since 1st January 2014, I started learning painting and suddenly I found that I was a fool to call what I posted as photoiku is nothing but a Haiga (integration of painting and poem, in the smallest version). What I was doing was already a popular media, since centuries to express the event in smallest version- colours and words combination. OMG... I am happy now to post HAIGA, my own version of course instead of Photoiku. Let me see how much I can go. Thank God for all the energy you are providing me to learn new abstract things at this age. Age is no limit for learning, that is what I learned through out my life.
ऋषिकेश, भारत
February 25, 2009,
तदनुसार २०६५ फाल्गुण १४ गते
धेरै प्रकारका अन्तर्ज्ञान प्राप्त ज्ञानी व्यक्तिहरूका बारेमा सुनेको थिएँ। कतिसँग त प्रत्यक्ष भेट पनि पाएको थिएँ। कत्तिका प्रवचन सुनेको थिएँ, सत्सङ्ग अलि अलि गरेको थिएँ, कतिलाई दर्शन पनि गरेको थिएँ, कतिले लेखेका किताब पढ्ने मौका पनि पाएको थिएँ। केटाकेटी देखि घरमा आइरहनु हुने बनारस हजुरबुबाको १२५ वर्ष नाघिसक्नु भएको एक जना कम्मली ब्रम्हचारी बाबालाई त राम्रै सँग सङ्गत गर्ने मौका पाएको थिएँ। पहिला केटाकेटीमा वहाँको चर्तिकला देखेर अचम्म लाग्थ्यो तर पछि पछी नसोच्दा नसोच्दै श्रद्धा जाग्न थाल्यो। वहाँ अहिले ब्रम्हलीन भइसक्नु भएको पनि धेरै वर्ष भइसक्यो।
आज रातीको खाना खान वानप्रस्थको क्यान्टिन गएको थिएँ। एक महिना देखी वानप्रस्थमा करिब ३० जना जति चाइनिज केटीहरूको योग प्रशिक्षण चलिरहेको रहेछ। आजकाल त्यसैले क्यान्टिनमा पनि भिडभाड च्याङ्ग च्याङ्ग र चुङ्ग चुङ्ग धेरै हुने गरेको छ। सेता सेता लुगा लगाएका कलिला उमेरका केटीहरू शान्त भएर बस्न नसक्ने खोरबाट छुटेका भेडा बाख्रा जस्तो एकैसाथ आएर खाँदा खेरी त च्याँ च्याँ र म्याँ म्याँ को गुन्जन मात्र सुनिने। त्यसैले, म पनि खाना खान अलि ढिला गरेर गएको थिएँ, तिनीहरूको समयलाई छल्नको लागि। मैले खाना खाइसकेर पण्डितजी लाई पैसा दिँदै थिएँ, पण्डितजीले मलाइ पछाडि इसारा गरेर "ऋषिजी" भनेर देखाए। पछाडि फर्केर हेरेँ। करिब ३५-४० वर्षका हुँदा हुन् जिउ गठिला पेट पनि अलि निक्लिएको, काला चिप्ला अनि लामो घुँघराले कपाल, दाह्री पालेपनि नक्कली मेकअप गरेको जस्तो सिनित्त पारेर कोरेका, हँसिला ऋषि रहेछन्। मैले साँच्चै भन्ने हो भने नमस्कार गर्न पनि भ्याइन। उनले नै कुरा छोडे, “कहाँ बाट आउनु भएको?” मैले भने "नेपालबाट"। फेरि अर्को गोलि पड्काए "के गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ"। म उभिएको उभिएकै छु। हाँसो उठ्यो, “यहीँ खाना खाँदै छु"। उनले कुरा बुझे क्यार, टाउको हल्लाए। मैले पनि हाँसेर जान्छु भनेर मेरा पछाडि उभिएका उन लाइ पन्छाएर क्यान्टिनबाट कोठा तिर सुत्न भनेर लागेँ। एउटा अनुभव त हो नि, होइन र!
बाटो भरी मेरा बाल्यकालमा भेटेका ती "ब्रम्हचारी बाबा" र यी चाइनिज केटीहरूलाई योग सिकाउने गुरू "ऋषि" का बारेमा सोच्दै हिँडेँ। अनि सम्झेँ, साँझ पख भेटेका ९४ वर्षे योगी। फेरी सम्झेँ हिजो वशिष्ठ गुफामा भेटेका स्वामीजी अनि त्यस ठाउँमा भेटिएका नाम नै नभएका बाबा। उल्टो चलाएको चित्रपट झैँ रील मजासित चल्न थाल्यो।
ऋषिजी भेटेको करिब दुई घण्टा अगाडि आज परमार्थ निकेतनको आरती सिद्धिएर जय जय रमण पनि सिद्धिसकेपछि सबै भिड सँगै बाहिर निस्कँदै थिएँ। परमार्थ निकेतनमा नै बस्ने तथाकथित ९४ बर्षे ती पट्ठा जस्ता देखिने योगीजीले केही पाम्पलेट बाँड्दै थिए। योग सम्बन्धी कुनै पर्चा जस्तो लाग्यो। मैले पनि कौतुहलताबस् पढ्न र बुझ्नको लागि मागेँ। उनले दिएनन्। फेरि उभिएर हेरी रहेँ, कसलाई दिन्छन् त उनले। कसलाई बाँड्छन् त भन्दा बिदेशीहरूलाई मात्र पछ्याई पछ्याई आफै बाँडिरहेका थिए। करिब ५०।६० को पर्चाको मुठो होला, आफै बाँडी बाँडी हिँडिरहेका थिए। एक छिन उभिएँ, कौतुहल अलिकति भए पनि जाग्यो आखिर मा प्रख्यात परमार्थका प्रख्यात योगीजी हुन् नि त यी। जुत्ता राख्ने ठाउँका स्वयंसेवी दाह्रीवाललाई सोधेँ " के बाँडी रहेका ती योगीजिले हँ? छक्क परेँ, योगको कोर्ष परमार्थमा उनले लिने रहेछन्। किन बिदेशीलाई मात्र र आफै किन नि ? जबाफ मलाइ चाहिएको थिएन र चाहिँदैन पनि। एउटा कुरोको अनुभव त हो नि, हैन र?
हिजो ऋषिकेशकै एक साथीले वशिष्ठ गुफा जाउँ त्यहाँ भन्डारा लगाएको छ भनेर मलाई बोलाएर, अनि उनको कारमा लिएरपनि गएका थिए। ऋषिकेशबाट झन्डै ३०।३२ किलोमिटर माथि श्री बद्रीनाथ जाने बाटोमा रहेछ, बाटोको दाहिने पट्टी ओर्लेर गङ्गाको किनारमा। लामो गजबको गुफा, बाहिरपट्टि ५।६ कोठाको आश्रम अनि भव्य एक शिवजीको मन्दिर पनि रहेछ। त्यस्तो अनकन्टार ठाउँमा कसरी ऋषिमुनिहरूले तपस्या गरे होलान्। अहिले पनि सम्झँदा नै आङ सिरिङ्ङ भएर आउँछ। दर्शन भयो स्वामीजीको, क्या हँसिलो मुहार, सधैं मुसुमुसु। उमेर त भन्नै नसकिने। जे भए पनि ६० त नाघेकै छ। सोध्न भएन। त्यो अनकन्टारमा ४।५ जना मान्छे, दुध दिन छोडेका १०।१२ वटा बुढी गाईहरू अनि ८।१० वटा जति कुकुरहरूका साथमा स्वामीजी बस्नु हुँदो रहेछ। हाँसिरहने धेरै नबोल्ने। भण्डारामा नजिकका गाउँबाट २०० जति मानिसहरू जम्मा भएका थिए होलान्।। एउटा स्कुल वहाँको नेतृत्वमा बनेको रहेछ, त्यहाँका केटा केटी पनि करिब ३० जना जति भोजन गर्दै थिए। सबैले स्वामीजीको खुट्टामा नै छोएर ढोग गरे। मैले पनि गरेँ। हाँसेर कहाँ बाट आउनु भएको भनेर सोध्नु भयो। नेपाल बाट भनेँ। अछ्छा, खाना खाएर जानुहोस् भनेर भन्नु भयो र फरक्क फर्केर जानु भयो। हुन्छ भनेँ। वहाँ अरूलाई खाना खुवाउन पटी लाग्नु भयो। बस् त्यति हो कुरो भएको भनेको। म पनि खान बसेँ, लाइनमा। भोजन भण्डारा बाराबंकीको एउटी माँजीले लगाउनु भएको रहेछ। वहाँको छोरा बुहारी पनि त्यहाँ आउनु भएको थियो। त्यो अनकन्टार ठाउँमा स्वामीजीको कत्रो त्याग, अनि चेला चेलीको कत्रो सहयोग, एउटा साँच्चै को अनुभव भयो।
हामी सबै खाना खान लाइनमा बस्यौँ। खाना बाँड्ने एक जनाले चिच्याएर नै भन्यो " बाबाजी, त्यहाँ एउटा लपेस हालि दिनुहोस् त, अनि पुरी पनि"। देखेँ, एउटा ४ फिट पनि ननाघेका भाङ्žग्रोको लुगा भन्न पनि न सुहाउने एउटा कप्तान भन्ने जस्तो बनाएर कपडाले जिउ छोपेका उही ६०।७० वर्षका होलान् बाबाजीले हाँसी हाँसी फुर्तीसाथ एक भारी लपेस लेराएर सबैलाई एउटा एउटा लगाइ दिए। अनि दौडेर तुरुन्तै एउटा ठूलो डेक्चीमा राखेको पुरी लेराएर २।२ वटा गरेर सबैलाई हाल्दै गए। तिनको फुर्ती देखेर मलाई कौतुहल भयो त्यो अनकन्टारमा बाबाजीको बारेमा बुझ्न को लागि मन रसायो। खाना खाइसकेपछी आफ्नो लपेस ठाउँमा फ्याँकेर बाबाजीलाई खोज्न हिँडे। उनी त एउटा ठूलो पकाउने तपेस मस्काइरहेका रहेछन्। एस पाली चाहिँ मैले नै सोधेँ, “बाबाजी कहाँ बस्नु हुन्छ?” उनी त हाँसी पो रहे केही जबाफ दिएनन्, कुरो बुझेनन् कि जस्तो छ। फेरि सोध्ने आँट आएन। उनको हाँसोलाई हाँसोले नै फर्काएर म मन्दिर छेउ बस्न गएँ। भण्डारा गराउने बाराबंकीकी माताजीको छोरो डाक्टर साहेब मेरो छेउमा आएर खाना कस्तो भयो भनेर भलाकुसारी गर्न आउनु भयो। अनि बाबाजीको बारेमा भन्न थाल्नु भयो। मैले केही सोधेको थिइन। सायद मैले बाबाजी सङ्ग कुरो गर्न खोजेको देख्नु भएछ क्यार। डाक्टर साहेबले भन्नु भयो। यी बाबा कहाँ का हुन् कसैलाई पनि थाहा छैन अरे। केही दिन देखि यहीँ वशिष्ठ गुफामा आएर बस्नु भएको छ रे। बिहान ३ बजे उठे देखी काम गरेको गरेकै छन् रे। गुफा देखी गङ्गा नदी सम्म को ५०० मिटरको बाटो एक्लैले तीन दिन देखी ढुङ्गा पन्छाएर बनाएका रे। कसै सङ्ग बोल्दैनन्, खालि हाँसि रहन्छन् रे। अहिले गङ्गोत्री बाट ३ सय किलोमिटर भन्दा बढि हिँड्दै आएका रे। कहाँ बस्छन्, के कहाँ खान्छन् कसैलाई केही पत्तो छैन रे। लौ, यो पनि एउटा अनुभव नै भयो मलाइ।
हिजो र आज यसरी, स्वामीजीको खुट्टामा दर्शन भयो, योगीजीले बाँडेका पर्चा पढ्न पाइएन तर थाहा भयो, ऋषिजी सङ्ग अचानक जम्का भेट भयो, बाबाजीको अचम्मका चर्तिकला देखेँ। मलाई थाहा थिएन, सुनेको मात्रै थिएँ - स्वामीजी, योगीजी, ऋषीजी, बाबाजी, मुनीजी अनेक थरीका हुन्छन् भनेर। दुई दिनमा केही अनुभव भयो, अनि पुरानो बाल्यकाल अबस्थामा भेटेका हजुरबुबाको साथी ब्रम्हचारी बाबाको संझना आयो, अझ बढि अनुभव भयो।
ऋषिकेश, भारत
February 24, 2009,
तदनुसार २०६५ फाल्गुण १३ गते
साक्षी भाव राखि हेरि मात्र रहने बानी थिएन, यस्तो कुराको अनुभव भन्ने त झन् भएको नै थिएन। आफै प्याच्च बोल्ने र सबै कुरोलाई ओल्टाइ पल्टाइ विश्लेषण गरिहाल्ने बानीले अर्काको कुरो बुझ्न गाह्रो हुन्छ भनेर सुनेको त थिएँ। पहिला पहिला पढेको थिएँ - पहिला सुन्ने गर अनि मात्र बोल। तर, आज अचम्म नै भयो। अनुभव भयो - न-बोल्ने, न-सुन्ने, अनि न-सोच्ने, शून्यतामा मस्त हुने - मज्जा त त्यसमा पो रहेछ।
ऋषिकेशमा गत दश वर्ष देखि निरन्तर बस्दै आएका एक पुरानो साथीलाई भेट्न गएको थिएँ। लक्ष्मण झुलामा। भेट्ने समय भन्दा अगाडि नै पुगे छु। २ घण्टा अगाडि, के भयो र समय सङ्ग नबाँधिएपछि, होइन र? बिहानको ११ बजे भेटेर दिउँसोको खानाको प्रोग्राम राखेको त, बिहानको नास्ता गर्ने समयमा पो पुगे छु। लक्ष्मण झुलाको सिरानीमा माथि उक्ले पछि एउटा जर्मन बेकरी क्याफे छ, त्यहीँ नास्ता गर्ने मुड बनाएर भर्žयाङ उक्लिएँ। एउटा चिज स्यान्डवीच र एस्प्रेसो कफी अर्डर दिएर एउटा मेच तानी बसेँ।
जहाँ म बसेको थिएँ, त्यहीँ मुन्तिर बिहानी को कलिलो घामले स्पर्श गरिरहेको गङ्गाको तरङ्ग एउटा भुल्नै नसकिने कलकलाउँदो जोवन चलमलाइरहेको जस्तो देखिन्थ्यो। त्यहाँ चलन रहेछ, अर्डर दिए पछि झन्डै एक घण्टा कुर्नु पर्ने रे, अचम्म! सायद पर्यटकहरूलाई गङ्गाको जोवन देखाउन को लागि नै त होला।
मेरो बानी केटाकेटी देखि लागेको - कलेजमा पढ्दाको समय, भर्खर मात्र १५ - १६ वर्षको जवानी लागेको समयमा साँझ पख, तर कहिले कहीँ त दिउँसो पनि कलेज नभएको बेला झोछें बसन्त पूर जाने अनि भर्खर मात्र आएको हिप्पीको संस्कृति सँग रमाइलो मनाउने गर्थेँ। साठीको दशकको सुरु सुरु को बेला हो। एउटा लेमन टि को गिलास लिने अनि थरी थरीका देश बाट आएका हिप्पीहरूका गफ सुन्ने, कहिले कहीँ उनीहरूका गफमा पनि सहभागी भई दिने। रमाइलो लाग्थ्यो विदेशका मान्छे सङ्ग कुरा गर्दा, उनीहरूका भावना बुझ्दा। उनीहरू कुइरे नै भए तापनि अलग अलग भाषामा बोलेका अनुभव गर्दा अचम्म लाग्थ्यो। अहिले पनि त्यो अल्लारे उमेरमा भएको रोमाञ्च सम्झँदा रमाइलो नै लागेर आउँछ।
हो! लक्ष्मण झुलाको बेकरी क्याफेमा ४५ वर्षको अन्तराल पछि त्यही देखेँ। करिब बीस पच्चीसजना जति ग्राहक होलान्। म समेत सबै जना विदेशी, अचम्मको सङ्गम थियो। ७५।८० वर्षका बुढा बुढी देखी २०।२२ वर्षका तरुना तरुनीहरू। म बसेको टेबुलमा एउटा ६०।६५ वर्षको बुढो एक्लै डायरीमा केही घोत्लिएर लेखिरहेको थियो, कुन भाषामा हो केही थाहा भएन, अङ्ग्रेजी, उर्दु, चाईनीज चाहिँ पक्कै थिएन। सङ्गैको टेबुलमा झुस झुसे दाह्रि भएका गधा पच्चीसका दुई जना केटाहरू एक जना बेलायती अङ्ग्रेजी र अर्को अमेरिकन अङ्ग्रेजीमा मस्त सङ्ग कुरा गरि रहेका थिए। अनि, त्यही टेबुलमा एउटा जर्मनी जोडी चाहिँ दहीमा मुसुली हालेर खाँदै थिए। उनीहरू भने पटक्क बोलेका थिएनन् खानमा नै मस्त थिए। परको एउटा टेबुलमा यस्तै तीस पैँतीसकी होली पातली केटी चिया खाँदै आफ्नो ४।५ वर्षे छोरा त होला नि उसलाई पडाइरहेकी थिई। फ्रेन्च किताब कापी लिएर फुच्चे केटो केही लेखि रहेको थियो। एउटी ८० नाघे जस्ती बुढी निकै फेसन र मेकअप गरेर न्यानु घाम ताप्दै "The White Tiger” किताब पढेर रमाइरहेकी थिई। अरू को को थिए थिए विश्व भरका मानिस, उनीहरूका भाषा, लगाई, खुवाई आदि हरू सबैको सङ्गम झै अनुभव भइरहेको थियो। यसको सामु त्यो झोछेंमा देखिएका छिँडीको त्यो हिप्पी रेष्टुरेण्ट त केही पनि थिएन। तर, पाँच मिनेटको त्यो सरसर्ती हेराई पछि मैले को को कहाँ कहाँका र के के गरिरहेका छन् भन्ने अनुगमन, विश्लेषण आदि गर्न चटक्क छाडे छु। त्यो कलकलाउँदो जोवन चढेको गङ्गा पट्टी हेर्न थाले, सबै आफू वरि परी का वास्तविकतालाई ठ्याम्मै भुलिदिएँ, म त हराए छु, झन्डै एक घन्टा भन्दा पनि बढी।
हजारौं वर्ष देखी नभएर, लाखौं करोडौं वर्ष देखि गङ्गा अविरल बगिरहेकी छिन्। ऋतु तथा समय अनुसार आफ्नो रूप बदलिँदी हुन् तर बगि रहेकी छिन् बगि रहेकी छिन् उत्तर बाट दक्षिण तिर बगि रहेकी छिन्। अमेरिकनले पिजा खाओस् या फ्रेन्चले चिया खाएर केटाकेटी पढाओस्, या जर्मनले मुसुली खाओस्, कोही किताब लेखोस् या कोही किताब पढोस्, गङ्गालाई केही फरक परिरहेको छैन। कसैले बाँधिदेओस्, कसैले पूजा गरोस्, त कसैले डुबुल्की लगाओस्, कसैले मुर्दा नै किन फ्याँकी न देओस्, तर गङ्गा त बगिरहेकी छिन् बगिरहेकी छिन् आफ्नो गन्तव्य तिर समुन्द्र सङ्ग मिलनको लागि। यदि बोल्न मन लागेको भए बोल्थिन् होली कसै सङ्ग अङ्ग्रेजीमा त कसै सङ्ग फ्रेन्चमा या कसै सङ्ग जर्मनीमा। तर, अहँ पटक्क नै मतलव छैन। आफ्नै मस्तीमा अविरल आफ्नै धुनमा बगिरहेकी छिन बगिरहेकी छिन। उल्टो आफ्नो सौन्दर्य सबै पर्यटकलाई देखाएर लोभ्याएर अनि रोमाञ्चित पारेर मस्त सङ्ग आफू चाहिँ बगिरहेकी छिन् बगिरहेकी छिन्।होइन त? यो साक्षी भाव राखेर, अरू कसैको चियो चर्चा नगरी आफ्नै धुनमा लागिरहेकी गङ्गा कति संयम कति मोहक।
आज मैले अनुभव गरेँ। मैले पाँच मिनेट पछि संसार देख्न छोडेँ, को को कुन कुन टेबुलमा थिए, के के गर्दै थिए, कुन देशका के के भाषा बोल्दै थिए। म त मस्त भएँ आफ्नै धुनमा, गङ्गाको जोवन हेरेर। समय बितेको त थाहा नै भएन। स्यान्डवीच आएर खाई पनि सकेछु, कफी पनि सेलाएर पिई सकेछु। म आफैँमा मस्त, म एक्लै के धुनमा हो कुन्नि म त साक्षी भावले बसि दिएको, रमाई दिएको पो रहेछु। दुई घन्टा बिती सकेछ। थाहा नै भएन।
ऋषिकेश, भारत
February 23, 2009,
तदनुसार २०६५ फाल्गुण १२ गते
अनुभव अचम्मको हुँदो रहेछ। इच्छा एउटा पुगेपछि अरू माग गर्ने, अनि इच्छा नपुगेपछि भने सित्तैँ मा विचलित भई बस्ने यो एउटा मानव स्वभाव नै रहेछ। यो अनुभव भयो आज मलाई। हामी दुई बुढा बुढी ऋषिकेश आउने जाने गरेको आठ नौ वर्ष नै भयो। करिब पुग न पुग एक महिना जति बस्ने गर्थ्यौँ। यस पाली म एक्लै आउनु पर्यो, ऊनलाई घरको हेरचाह गर्नु परेर (माउसुलीले छत थामे झैँ) उनी आउन पाइनन्। यहाँ जुनसुकै आश्रममा पनि एउटा नियम के छ भने एक्लै भएमा आइमाई होस या पुरुष कसैलाई पनि बस्न दिइँदैन। डर थियो, बास नपाइने हो कि भनेर, अन्य कतै होटलमा पो बस्नु पर्ने हो कि भनेर। तर, आश्रम भित्र पस्ने बित्तिकै "जय श्रीराम" भनेको त काउण्टरमा चिनेका साथी रहेछन् अनि एक्लै आएको थाहा पाएर फारममा श्रीमतीको पनि नाम भरि दिनुहोस् भइहाल्छ नि भनेर मलाई एउटा कोठा मिलाइदिए। कस्तो दया गरिदिएका त! खुशी भएँ। उनको नाम र मेरो नाम मिल्दो जुल्दो छ, पुरानो चिनेका साथी नै हुन्। धन्यवाद भनेँ, अनि १०५ नम्बर कोठातिर लागेँ।कोठा तिर हिँडेको मात्र के थिएँ, उनले कराए, “ कोठामा गिजर बिग्रेर बनाउन लगेको छ, भोलि अर्को कोठा खालि भएपछि तपाईँलाई सारी दिँउला है"। मैले केही छैन थाकेर आएको कोठा पाएँ, फेरि एकचोटी धन्यवाद भनेर कोठा तिर लागेँ। थाकेर शरीरले आराम खोजिसकेको थियो।
रातको झन्डै १० बजिसकेको थियो, थाकेको बुढो शरीर कोठा दोस्रो तल्ला मा रहेछ, बल्ल बल्ल आफ्नो जिउलाई आफैले तानेर कोठामा पुराएँ। कोठा पूर्व पच्छिम दुवै तिर ढोका भएको, दुवै पट्टी बरन्डा भएको रहेछ। अहा! पच्छिमको बरन्डा खोलेर हेर्दा मेरा सबै थकाइ मरे। शीतल हावा बगिरहेको, आकाशमा निर्मल चाँदनी रातका छिरबिरे तारा हरू चम्किरहेका, अनि गङ्गा तरङ्गीत भएर सरररर बगिरहेकी। के र! मन थाम्नै नसकेर त्यहीँ राखेको मेचमा थचक्कै बसेँ। के बुढो शरीर के दुई दिनको सफरको थकाई सबै एकाएक गायब भए। गङ्गाको शक्तिको तरङ्ग आफ्नै शरीरमा पसे जस्तो भयो। त्यो चम्किलो आकाश, त्यो कलकल ध्वनि गङ्गाको सङ्गीत अनि सिरिरी चिसो बतास, म आफू एक्लै भएको अनुभव नै भएन। म त सबै विश्व ब्रह्माण्ड सबै ईश्वरको सृष्žटि सँग रमाइरहेको थिएँ। म कहाँ एक्लै? यस्तो परमानन्द मेरो भौतिक कल्पना भन्दा बाहिरको कुरो थियो। आधा रातसम्म त्यो आनन्द र परम सुखको अनुभवमा नै रमाई रहेँ। मलाई निद्रा थिएन र म होसमा पनि थिइन। यो अजिब को विरोधाभास स्थितिमा परेछु म त।
आज बिहान फेरि त्यही आश्रमको कोठा दिलाइ दिने आफ्नै नाम गरेको साथीलाई भेटेँ। फेरि धन्यवाद दिएँ - कस्तो राम्रो कोठा भनेर। अनि आधा घण्टा उसलाई हिजो रातीको म आफूले परमानन्द प्राप्त गरेको अनुभूतिको बयान पनि गरेँ।
तर, इच्छा कहाँ मर्दो रहेछ र! उही साथीले नै जगाइ दियो। उसले मलाई सोध्यो "गिजर भएको कोठामा सर्ने?” मैले हुन्छ नि तर त्यति जरुरी छैन भनेर टाउको हल्लाइदिएँ। दिउँसो फेरि उसलाई भेट भयो। उसले म्यानेजर सँग सोधेछ। अरू कोठा खाली छैन अब सार्न सकिँदैन भनेर म्यानेजरले भन्यो भनेर सुनायो। ए! कोठा खाली हुँदा हुँदै पनि नदिने भनेर त्यो साथी पो बम्किन थाल्यो। मेरो इच्छा त्यत्ति सारो जागेको थिएन। कोठामा गिजर नभएर पनि मलाइ खास फरक परेको थिएन। तर, ती साथीलाई म्यानेजरले किन झुटो बोले भन्ने चिन्ताले सतायो। उनि बडबडाउन थाले। मलाई चाहिँ खास्सै असर परेन। मैले जे पाएँ त्यसैमा सन्तुष्ट थिएँ। ज्यादै सन्तुष्ट थिएँ। के को चिन्ता! तर मेरो लागि उसलाई चिन्ता सुरु भएको थियो।
इच्छा कसैले जगाइ दिँदै मा आफूमा त्यो सल्कन दिन हुँदैन भन्ने अनुभव गरेँ। इच्छा सबैका हुन्छन् तर जे आफूले प्राप्त गरेको छ त्यसबाट जति सक्दो आनन्द लिन सक्नु पर्दो रहेछ। इच्छा माथि इच्छा थपेर चिन्तित हुनु त हुँदै भएन। जे छ त्यसमा आनन्द लिँदा म आनन्दित छु। यो सुनेको थिएँ - अनुभव पनि गरेँ आज।
ऋषिकेश, भारत
February 22, 2009,
तदनुसार २०६५ फाल्गुण ११ गते
केही सुनेको थिएँ, केही पढेको पनि थिएँ - हामी एक निमित्त मात्र का हौँ गर्ने अरू कोही छन् जो हाम्रा प्रयासलाई सके सम्म सफल पार्न को लागि सदा हाम्रा साथमा हुन्छन्। साँच्चै भन्ने हो भने चालकका सिटमा बसेर हाम्रा इच्छा अनुसार को ठाउँमा पुराइदिन को लागि उनि सदैव लागि रहेका हुन्छन्। कसैले उनलाई भगवान भन्छन् त कसैले उनलाई इशु क्रिस्ट अथवा अल्लाह भन्दा रहेछन्। जे होस, मैले अस्ति र हिजो को सफरमा यस कुराको अनुभव गर्ने पुरा मौका पाएँ।
अस्ति फेब्रुअरी २० तारिखको दिन बिहान १० बजेर १० मिनेटमा बुद्ध एरको जहाज चढी काठमाडौं बाट भैरहवा उडेँ। एर होस्टेजले कुन्नि किन हो माया गरेर पहिलो सिटमा नै बस्नु भनिन्, मैले खोजेको चाहिँ होइन तर मलाई त्यो सिट औधी मन पर्छ। जहाजले भुईँ छोड्दा यसो पाइलट तिर आँखा लाग्दा त मन खर्ल्याक खुर्लुक्क भयो। जहाजमा मलाई थाहा छैन के भन्छन्- मोटर कारको गिएर ह्यान्डल जस्तो लाठो लाई समातेका हात त सानो हाते घडीले सिँगारिएका एउटा सुकुमारी हात पो देख्छु। झसङ्ग भएँ, आङ नै सिरिङ्ङ गर्यो। जहाजले जमिन छोडेको त पत्ता नै पाइँन।त्यत्रो अजङ को जहाज बीस जना मानव जीवनलाई बोकेर हावामा उडिरहेको थियो, एउटा कोमल नारीको नियन्त्रणमा। पत्ता पाउँदा नपाउँदै केही मिनेटमा नै जहाज त भैरहवा धावन मार्गमा सुइँइए कसैको मनलाई वास्ता नै नगरी ओर्लियो। मैले केही सोच्न मात्र भ्याएको थिएँ - मेरो त इच्छा मात्र त हो नि भैरहवा पुग्ने। पुराई दिने चालक त अन्य कोही व्यक्ति थिइन् जसलाई म चिन्दैन पनि थिएँ। मैले विश्वास गरे नगरे जसो गरे पनि इच्छा मात्र गर्दा पुराई छोडिन् ती नारी दिमाग, हात अनि कुशलताले। धन्य हो! म निमित्त मात्र को - उनी चालक।
भैरहवा बाट गोरखपुर जानु थियो रातको रेल समात्न को लागि। खाना खाने ठाउँमा एक व्यक्तिले सल्लाह दिए, “सुमोमा जानु भन्दा बसमा गए हुन्छ राम्रो सिट पाइन्छ आधा घन्टा मात्र त ढिला हुने हो नि। समय छ भने बसमा नै जानु होस्"। मेरो मन त्यतै तिर डोरियो। भारत तर्फ सुनौली आइ दिउँसोको १ बजेको बस चढेँ। फेरि, के हो कुन्नि मलाई सुमोको भन्दा आधा पैसा लिएर कन्डक्टरले ढोकै छेउको पहिलो सिटमा बस्ने आग्रह गर्यो। मैले धन्यवाद दिइ म सिटमा बसेँ। अनि मनमनमै सम्झेँ - डोर्याउने त उ नै हो नि-मेरो त इच्छा मात्र थियो। बस आफ्नो समय लिएर हिँड्यो। बस बिस्तारै आफ्नै चालमा कहिले हिँड्ने, कहिले रोक्ने। अनि सम्झना आइरहेको थियो पहिला पहिला को सफर। प्रत्येक रोकाई मा झोक चल्थ्यो, प्रत्येक गुडाइ मा रमाइन्थ्यो। तर, यस पटक लाग्यो त्यो २५।३० वर्षे पट्ठो ड्राइभरको हातमा स्टियरिङ् छ, एक्सिलियटर छ, मेरो हातमा चाहिँ केही पनि छैन। के आफू रिसाएर उसलाई केही फरक पर्ला त! डेढ घन्टा गुडे पछि बस रोकियो। यसो अगाडि हेर्छु त गाडीको लामो लाइन। कन्डक्टरलाई कसैले सोधे के को लाइन हो यो? थाहा पाएँ कि भारतमा चुनाव नजिकिँदै रहेछ, समाज वादीको कुनै नेता आउँदै छन् रे। आखिर राजनीति गर्ने ठाउँ सडक नै त हो नि- कसैले तुरुन्तै टिप्पणी गरे। त्यसपछि अर्को टिप्पणी अनि अर्को माथि अर्को टिप्पणी। फेरी कसैले चिन्ता गर्न थाले कसैले रिस गर्न थाले। को सङ्ग रिस गर्ने थाहा छैन तर सबैले आफूमाथि नै रिस गर्दै छन् जस्तो लाग्यो। करिब डेढ घन्टा त्यति कै बस भित्र बाहिर गरेर सबैले चित्त बुझाए। गर्न सक्ने कसले के थियो र! आफ्नो समर्थ भन्दा बाहिरको कुरामा। ड्राइभरले स्तियरिङ्ग समाते सबै खुस भए। हाम्रो बस चल्यो। मलाई ड्राइभरले तीन घण्टाको बाटो गोरखपुर झन्डै पाँच घण्टामा पुराइदियो। धन्य हो ड्राइभर! म त इच्छा मात्र त गर्न सक्ने थिएँ नि, अरू के नै गर्न सक्थेँ र! म निमित्त मात्र को - उनी चालक।
तेस्रो सफर गोरखपुर बाट रातीको ९ बजे राप्ती सागर एक्सप्रेस रेल चढेँ हरिद्वार जानको लागि। ए्.सि. कोच सुबिस्ता साथ भोलि पल्ट १ बजे दिउँसो तिर पुराउने त हो नि, मजासित ओछयान लगाएर सुत्ने तरखर गर्न थालेँ। अज कल गजब छ नि जब देखि ए.सि. कोच रेलमा सुरू भयो गुन्टा बोक्ने झन्झट नै सकियो। होटलको जस्तो सेतो तन्ना, रग अनि ओढ्न को लागि हुने सेतै तन्ना, तकिया सबै एटेन्डेन्टले सिटमा बस्न साथ नै लेराएर दियो। ओछयान कसेँ, अनि एउटा तौलिया पनि मागेँ तव लम्पसार परेर सुतेँ। झुलामा झुलाएको जस्तो, दिन भरि को थकाइ। अहा क्या मीठो निद्रा लाग्यो, एकै चोटि बिहान सूर्योदय सङ् सङगै आँखा खुल्यो। बरेली आइपुग्न लागेको रहेछ, पत्ता लाग्यो ठीक समयमा नै रेल गुडिरहेको रहेछ। १ बजे तिर हरिद्वार पुग्ने भइयो, खूब रमाएँ। सोचेँ मेरो इच्छा त हो नि, के चाँडो के अबेर मैले गर्न नै के सक्थेँ र! के पुर्याइदिने र न पुर्याइदिने मैले भनेर मात्रै हुन्छ र! काठमाडौँ - भेरहवा छोटो हवाई सफर, अनि सुनौलि - गोरखपुर को बस सफर के मैले पार गरेको हुँ र? मेरो के हात छ ! उही नारी पाइलट र त्यही तन्नेरी ड्राइभरले यहाँ सम्म पुराइ दिएका त हुन् नि। अब रेल चालकको हातमा छ मलाई १ बजे सम्म मा हरिद्वार सुविधा साथ पुराइदिने। म सोच्दै थिएँ, बरेली आइपुगेछ।
आधा घण्टा बरेलीमा बिसाएर हिँडेको रेल अब मेरो तन्द्रा टुटाउने गरेर गुड्न थाल्यो। प्रत्येक आधा घण्टा हिँडे पछि त्यो रेल एक घण्टा विश्राम गर्न थाल्यो। रेल चालकको मर्जी। किन यसो गरेको होला? सबै जना पहिलो रोकाई मा केही भयो होला भन्न थाले अनि त्यस पछि त दोस्रो, तेस्रो, चौथो अनि त कति कति सबै गनगन गर्न थाले, रिसाउन पनि थाले। गनगन सुरु भयो - खोइ लालु यादवले रेल सुधार गरेको भनेको पनि त उस्तै रहेछ। आपसमा कुरा गर्नु बाहेक अरू के नै गर्न सक्थे र? के गरून् आफ्नो हातमा छ र! एक छिन पछि, गन गन गरेर थाके अनि आ-आफ्ना व्यवस्था गर्न पट्टी लागे। कसैका बच्चाको छुट्टी भएर उनीहरूलाई भेट्न देहरादून पुग्नु थियो भने मेरो सङ्ग बस्ने को चाहिँ ऋषिकेशको होटलमा अर्को साथीलाई पालो दिन पुग्नु थियो। बिचरा उसको साथीको हजुरबुबा स्वर्गीय भएकोले त्यो साथीलाई तुरुन्तै उसको घर दिल्ली जानु थियो रे। कसैको परीक्षा फारम भर्ने अन्तिम मिति थियो रे। सबै अत्तालिरहेका थिए, अनि सबैका मनमा चिन्ता हुनु, आत्तिनु, रिसाउनु स्वाभाविक नै थियो। मेरो मात्र केही थिएन, पुग्ने इच्छा मात्र थियो। सबै रिसाउँदै मोबाइल बजाउँदै आ-आफ्ना मानिस बोलाउँदै बाटो बाटोमा उत्रिने चाहना राख्दै थिए। कति सफल पनि भए। म चाहिँ रमिता हेर्दै थिएँ। हे ईश्वर किन यस्तो गरिदिएका होलाउ। हजारौं लाई रेलमा चढाएर विभिन्न इच्छा बोकाउन लगाएर अनि आफू चाहिँ निदाइदिने। हुने हुनामी कसले टार्न सक्दो रहेछ र! बरेलि देखि मुरादाबाद सम्म को बाटोमा रेल लाइ करिब दुइ दर्जन चोटि रोकि रोकि आखिर १ बजे दिउँसो को सट्टा राती ८ बजे हरिद्वार स्टेसनमा त्यो जुङ्गेमुठे रेल चालकले रेल पुराइ छोड्यो। त्यत्तिका मान्छेले इच्छा गरे पनि नगरे पनि रेल हरिद्वार आइपुग्यो नै, समयमात्र अलि बढि लागेको त हो नि। म शान्त थिएँ। म निमित्त मात्र त थिएँ नि, आखिर मेरा हातमा केही पनि त थिएन नी। बिचरा रेल चालकको हातमा पनि त एउटा देखिने स्टेरिङ्ग त थियो नि। बरेली देखि मुरदाबाद सम्म को बीचमा रेल्वे लाइनमा मर्मतको काम भइरहेको थियो। हरियो बत्ति न बलुञ्जेल रेल चालकले पनि के गरोस्! त्यसैले मैले पुरा थाहा पाएँ, अनुभव गरेँ - म इच्छा गर्ने निमित्त मात्र को हुँ, उनि पो असली चालक।